Cameron's Measurement Systems卡麥隆測量系統(原NUFLO測量系統)
卡麥隆測量系統設計,制造和銷售流量及控制類儀表,其產品遍及石油天然氣和工藝控制工業.2003年,通過并購三家著名的儀表測量公司,即Barton儀表系統,Halliburton測量系統和PMC工業公司成立了卡麥龍測量系統;之后又相繼收購了North Star流量產品公司,Caldon公司,Polarteck2000公司和挪威Sentech公司.這些公司為卡麥隆測量系統提供了數十年的專業經驗,忠實的客戶和競爭的實力,目前,卡麥隆測量系統的主要產品包括:差壓記錄儀,渦輪流量計,流量積算儀,刮板流量計,全自動取樣系統,超聲波流量計和油中含水分析儀等。 卡麥隆測量系統的旗艦品牌包括BARTON,NUFLO,CLIF MOCK和CALDON。
A strategic competitive advantage of Cameron's Measurement Systems division is the breadth and depth of it s product portfolio. From orifice fittings to ultrasonic meters, and from primary elements to flow computers, Cameron has the capability to package a broad range of customized solutions. A foundation “ packaging” product is Cameron's newly launched Scanner 2000 microEFM, an easy to use, ultra low power flow computer that delivers flow computer functionality at chart recorder pricing. Since its introduction in early 2008 the Scanner 2000 has been used with Turbine, DP Cone and Orifice meters. It works in gas, liquid and steam applications and has proven itself an ideal solution for applications including (but not limited to): Coalbed Methane Measurement, Class I, Division 1 refineries, SCADA systems that require Modbus communications, and three phase separators.
Turbine Meters (Gas, Liquid)
MC Totalizers
DP Cone Meters
Scanner Flow Computers
Water Cut Analyzers
Orifice Plates, Fittings
Single & Dual Chamber Meter Runs
FCX Transmitters
Relief Valves
Level Profile Meters
Chart Recorders & Controllers
Switches & Indicators
Turbine Meters
Floco / Flotrac PD Meters
Ultrasonic Meters
Interface Detectors
Sampling Products
True Cut Sampling Systems