

  VS2EX 防爆振動開關
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  PV101-A-M02 顯示器
  PV101-C-M02 顯示器
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  PV480 顯示器
  PV780 顯示器
  LM500 液位計
  EL150K1 液位開關
  EL150EX 防爆液位開關
  ES2P-100 傳感器
  ESP-100 傳感器


Murphy PV101-C-M02顯示器
PV101-C-M02 Display Gauges

Murphy PowerView 型號 PV101 是 Murphy 在 J1939 MurphyLink 系列組件中配備的一款功能強大的顯示器,它提供了一個查看現代電子控制發動機和傳動系統工作情況的窗口。 PV101 顯示器是一種多功能工具,它能夠讓設備操作員查看多種標準發動機和傳動系統參數,以及當前的和存儲的故障代碼。顯示器可以每屏顯示一個參數,也可以采用四分屏方式同時顯示四個參數。診斷功能包括一些故障代碼,以及對大多數常見故障的文字說明。增強警報指示功能具有高亮度警報和關機指示燈(琥珀色和紅色)。 PV101 多語言選項除已有語言(英文、西班牙文、法文、德文和意大利文)外,還新增了俄文、中文和日文型號。

Murphy PV101-C-M02顯示器
PV101-C-M02 Display Gauges

PV101-C Display產品特性

- 兼容歐四排放標準
- 適用于采購J1939協議的電控發動機和其他設備
- 可顯示50多個來自發動機和傳動系統ECU的J1939標準參數
- 以文本方式顯示動態故障和歷史故障,設備故障一目了然
- 安裝及接線簡單方便,無需編程即可使用
- 可用軟件設置


PV101-C Display Gauges PDF下載
PowerView PV101-C ,PowerView PV101-C display


工作電壓 :8-32 VDC

極性反接 : 在工作溫度范圍內無限 承受電池端子的極性反接


工作溫度 :-40 ° 至+ 185 ° F(-40 ° 至+ 85 ° C)
顯示屏觀看溫度 :-20 ° 至+185 ° F(-29 ° 至+85 ° C)
儲存溫度 :-40 ° 至+185 ° F(-40 ° 至+85 ° C)
環境密封 :IP68,±5 PSI(±34kPa)

(@ 14VDC)小52 mA:大300 mA
(@ 32VDC)大1A(帶LCD加熱器)
CAN總線 :符合SAE J1939

案例 :聚碳酸酯/聚酯

大面板厚度 :3/8英寸(9.6毫米)


SLAVE ACTIVE為用戶提供可調的通訊參數
電阻輸入 :用戶可以選擇以下之一

背光電位計:1 K歐姆,1/4 W
墨菲燃油發送器: 出廠時 已滿33歐姆,空設定標準 為 240歐姆 ,可與墨菲燃油發送器一起使用。 可編程用于 非墨菲燃油發送器。
運輸重量(所有型號) :1磅。 (450克)

運輸尺寸(所有型號) : 5 x 6 x 6英寸(127 x 152 x 152毫米)

夾鉗 :PBT

連接器 :6針Deutsch DT系列


- Tier 4 Emissions Implementation (PV101-C only)
– Three icons indicating Active Regeneration, Inhibit Regeneration, and Diesel
Particulate Filter DPF) Restricted. Menu offers Auto DPF Regen and Request DPF Regen.
- OEM Menu - A password protected menu offers access to MODBUS Setup, Engine Speed Control ON/OFF, and other critical menu
items that require restricted access.
- TSC1 (Torque Speed Control) (PV101-C only) – Allows user to set run speed via CAN if supported by engine manufacturer.
- Additional 4-Up Screen (PV101-C only) – Allows user to have two 4-Up screens to toggle between. Second user configurable screen is defaulted to show Tier 4 Parameters; DEF Level (Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level), DPF Active Regen Status, Exhaust Filter Outlet Temp, and Exhaust Filter Inlet Temp.
- Multiple language options Russian, Czech, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese models have been added to the line of
existing languages (English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian).
- Sender Input Select between backlight dimmer function or fuel level. Can be calibrated to use non-Murphy fuel senders.
- Service Reminders – 5 service reminders allow users to set hours for: Change Engine Oil, Change Air Filters, Change Hydraulic Oil, Service Engine, and Service Machine.
- Select Source Address – Select the exact address the PV101 will claim on the Bus.
- Select CANbus Data Rate – Allows user to select CANBUS data rate.
- PV101-C Configuration Tool (PV101-C only) – PC tool allows users to create, view, edit and download configurations for the PV101.
- The PV101-C Display Gauges – Compatible with PVA and PVM gages, as well as additional J1939 I/O modules.


Part Number Model Description Languages Available
78700615 PV101-C-MSTD-TlER4 Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700610 PV101-C-M01-TlER4 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700611 PV101-C-M02-TlER4 Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700612 PV101-C-M03-TlER4 Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700613 PV101-C-M04-TlER4 Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700614 PV101-C-M05-TlER4 Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700439 PV101-C Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700497 PV101-C-M01-TlER4 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700498 PV101-C-M02 Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700499 PV101-C-M03 Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700500 PV101-C-M04 Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700501 PV101-C-M05 Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700435 PV101-C Configuration Tool Kit User Configuration Tool
78700244 PV101-A Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700396 PV101-A-M01 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700409 PV101-A-M02 Murphy STD Chinese* English, Chinese
78700411 PV101-A-M03 Murphy STD Japanese* English, Japanese
78700248 PV101-A-HAZ Murphy STD, Hazardous Environment English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700581 PV101-C-HAZ Murphy STD, Hazardous Environment English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700428 PV101 Shield Impact Shield Assembly
78700430 HAZ Environment Kit PV101-A-HAZ with PV101 shield English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
*Added features not available in these language models.






















Other components in the MurphyLink system include micro-processor-based PowerView Analog (PVA) Gages for displaying critical
engine data broadcast by an electronic engine or transmission’s Engine Control Unit (ECU); engine RPM, oil pressure, coolant temperature, and system voltage. A combination audible alarm/relay unit offers warning and shutdown alerts. Up to 32 components may be linked to the PowerView using a simple daisy chain wire connection scheme using RS485. The PowerView and all connected components can be powered by either 12 or 24-volt systems.

PV101-C Display參數顯示

- Engine RPM
- Engine Hours
- Fuel Rate
- System Voltage
- % Engine Load at the Current RPM
- Coolant Temperature
- Catalyst Level
- Oil Pressure
- Fuel Economy
- Throttle Position
- Engine Manifold Air Temperature
- Current Fuel Consumption
- Transmission Oil Pressure
- NMEA 2000 GPS Parameters
- Transmission Oil Temperature
- Transmission Gear Position
- Active Service codes
- Stored Service Codes (when supported)
- View Engine Configuration

PV101-C (78700439) : PowerView Display Module

The new PowerView Model PV101-C is Murphy's latest display in the J1939 MurphyLink family of components. Much like the PV101-A, this display provides
Part NumberModel NumberDescriptionLanguages Available
78700439 PV101-C
Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700497 PV101-C-M01
Murphy STD Russian English, Russian, French, German, Spanish
78700498 PV101-C-M02
Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700499 PV101-C-M03
Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700500 PV101-C-M04
Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700501 PV101-C-M05
Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700435 PV101-C Configuration
Tool Kit User Configuration Tool

PowerView. - Model PV101


- Tier 4I/Euro Stage IV (PV101-C)
- Tier 3/Euro Stage III and earlier (PV101-A)
- For modern electronic engines and equipment applica-tions using SAE J1939 Controller Area Network
- Displays active and ECU-stored faults with text description for diagnosing equipment malfunctions
- Displays over 50 standard SAE J1939 parameters
- Tier 4 emissions compliant
- Software configurable with configuration tool
The PowerView PV101 display is a multifunction tool that enables equipment operators to view standard engine and transmission parameters as well as active and stored trouble codes. The display can show a single parameter or a four-parameter simultaneous dis-play. Diagnostic capabilities include codes with text description for most common fault conditions. The enhanced alarm indicators have ultra-bright alarm and shutdown LEDs (amber and red). The PV101-C and PV101-A have many features including:
Tier 4 Emissions Implementation (PV101-C only) – Three icons indicating Active Regeneration, Inhibit Regeneration, and Diesel Particulate Filter DPF) Restricted. Menu offers Auto DPF Regen and Request DPF Regen.

OEM Menu - A password protected menu offers access to MODBUS Setup, Engine Speed Control ON/OFF, and other critical menu items that require restricted access.

TSC1 (Torque Speed Control) (PV101-C only) – Allows user to set run speed via CAN if supported by engine manufacturer.

Additional 4-Up Screen (PV101-C only) – Allows user to have two 4-Up screens to toggle between. Second user configurable screen is defaulted to show Tier 4 Parameters; DEF Level (Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level), DPF Active Regen Status, Exhaust Filter Outlet Temp, and Exhaust Filter Inlet Temp.

Multiple language options . Russian, Czech, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, and Japanese models have been added to the line of existing languages (English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian).

Sender Input . Select between backlight dimmer function or fuel level. Can be calibrated to use non-Murphy fuel senders.

Service Reminders – 5 service reminders allow users to set hours for: Change Engine Oil, Change Air Filters, Change Hydraulic Oil, Service Engine, and Service Machine.

Select Source Address – Select the exact address the PV101 will claim on the Bus.

Select CANbus Data Rate – Allows user to select CANBUS data rate.

PV101-C Configuration Tool (PV101-C only) – PC tool allows users to create, view, edit and download configurations for the PV101.

The PV101-C Display Gauges – Compatible with PVA and PVM gages, as well as additional J1939 I/O modules.
Other components in the MurphyLink system include micro-processor-based PowerView Analog (PVA) Gages for displaying critical engine data broadcast by an electronic engine or transmission’s Engine Control Unit (ECU); engine RPM, oil pressure, coolant tempera-ture, and system voltage. A combination audible alarm/relay unit offers warning and shutdown alerts. Up to 32 components may be linked to the PowerView using a simple daisy chain wire connection scheme using RS485. The PowerView and all connected components can be powered by either 12 or 24-volt systems.

Display Parameters
The following are some of the engine and transmission parameters displayed by the PowerView (when applicable, consult engine or transmission manufacturer for SAE J1939 supported parameters). The PowerView can display these parameters in all available lan-
guages, as well as in English or Metric units.
. Engine RPM . Oil Pressure . Transmission Oil Temperature
. Engine Hours . Fuel Economy . Transmission Gear Position
. Fuel Rate . Throttle Position . Active Service codes
. System Voltage . % Engine Load at the Current RPM . Coolant Temperature . Catalyst Level . Engine Manifold Air Temperature . Current Fuel Consumption . Transmission Oil Pressure . NMEA 2000 GPS Parameters . Stored Service Codes (when supported) . View Engine Configuration Parameters


All models Tier 3/Euro Stage III and earlier (PV101-A) and Tier 4/Euro Stage IV (PV101-C-T4) share the following features:

Multiple language options ? English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Czech and Russian.
Sender Input ? Select between backlight dimmer function or fuel level. Can be calibrated to use non-Murphy fuel senders.
Service Reminders – Five service reminders allow users to set hours for Change Engine Oil, Air Filters, Hydraulic Oil, and Service Engine and Service Machine.
Select Source Address – Select the exact address the PV101 will claim on the bus.
The ability to select CAN bus Data Rate.
Displays more than 50 standard SAE J1939 parameters.
Shows helpful troubleshooting description of supported parameters.
Additional features for the Tier 4/Euro Stage IV (PV101-C-T4) models include:

The menu offers Auto Regen, Request Regen and Inhibit Regen. Visible icons indicate:
Active Regeneration
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level (DEF)
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Restricted
Inhibit Regeneration or High Exhaust Temp
After Treatment Fault
OEM Menu – A password protected menu offers access to MODBUS Setup, Engine Speed Control ON/OFF, DEF Regen Menu ON/OFF, SCR Enable Disable and other critical menu items that require restricted access.
TSC1 (Torque Speed Control) – Allows users to set run speed via CAN if supported by the engine manufacturer.
Additional 4-Up Screen – Allows user to have two
4-Up screens to toggle between. Second user configurable screen is defaulted to show Tier 4 Parameters: DEF Level (Diesel Exhaust Fluid Level), DPF Active Regen Status, Exhaust Filter Outlet Temp and Exhaust Filter Inlet Temp.
Shows SPN, FMI and OC for all faults.
PV101-C Configuration Tool – PC tool allows users to create, view, edit and download configurations for the PV101-C.
Operating Voltage : 8 - 32 VDC

Reversed Polarity : Withstands reversed battery terminal polarity indefinitely within operating temperatures


Operating Temperature : -40° to +185° F (-40° to +85° C)
Display Viewing Temperature : -20° to +185° F (-29° to +85° C)
Storage Temperature : -40° to +185° F (-40° to +85° C)
Environmental Sealing : IP68, ± 5 PSI (± 34kPa)
Power Supply Operating Current

(@ 14VDC) 52 mA min.: 300 mA max
(@ 32VDC) 1A max (with LCD heater)
CAN Bus : SAE J1939 compliant

Case : Polycarbonate/polyester

Maximum Panel Thickness : 3/8 inch (9.6 mm)

Auxiliary RS485 Communications Port

User configurable as MODBUS MASTER or MODBUS RTU SLAVE
MASTER ACTIVE (default) drives optional PVA or PVM gages
SLAVE ACTIVE offers user-adjustable communication parameters
Resistive Input : user selectable as one of the following

Backlighting Potentiometer: 1 K Ohm, 1/4 W
Murphy Fuel Sender: 33 Ohm full, 240 Ohm empty set standard from the factory for use with Murphy fuel sender. Programmable for use with non-Murphy fuel senders.
Shipping Weights (all models) : 1 Lb. (450 g.)

Shipping Dimensions (all models) : 5 x 6 x 6 in. (127 x 152 x 152 mm)

Clamp : PBT

Connectors : 6-pin Deutsch DT Series


How to Order
Part Number Model Description Languages Available

78700439 PV101-C Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700497 PV101-C-M01 ,Murphy STD Russian English, Russian, French, German, Spanish
78700498 PV101-C-M02 , Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700499 PV101-C-M03 , Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700500 PV101-C-M04 ,Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700501 PV101-C-M05 , Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700435 PV101-C Configuration Tool Kit User Configuration Tool
78700244 PV101-A Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700396 PV101-A-M01 , Murphy STD Russian English, Russian, French, German, Spanish
78700409 PV101-A-M02 ,Murphy STD Chinese* English, Chinese
78700411 PV101-A-M03 ,Murphy STD Japanese* English, Japanese
*Added features not available in these language models






















Part Number Model Description Languages Available
78700615 PV101-C-MSTD-TlER4 Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700610 PV101-C-M01-TlER4 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700611 PV101-C-M02-TlER4 Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700612 PV101-C-M03-TlER4 Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700613 PV101-C-M04-TlER4 Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700614 PV101-C-M05-TlER4 Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700439 PV101-C Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700497 PV101-C-M01-TlER4 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700498 PV101-C-M02 Murphy STD Chinese English, Chinese
78700499 PV101-C-M03 Murphy STD Japanese English, Japanese
78700500 PV101-C-M04 Murphy STD Brazilian Portuguese English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Spanish
78700501 PV101-C-M05 Murphy STD Czech English, Czech, French, German, Spanish
78700435 PV101-C Configuration Tool Kit User Configuration Tool
78700244 PV101-A Murphy STD English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700396 PV101-A-M01 Murphy STD Russian English, Russian
78700409 PV101-A-M02 Murphy STD Chinese* English, Chinese
78700411 PV101-A-M03 Murphy STD Japanese* English, Japanese
78700248 PV101-A-HAZ Murphy STD, Hazardous Environment English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700581 PV101-C-HAZ Murphy STD, Hazardous Environment English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
78700428 PV101 Shield Impact Shield Assembly
78700430 HAZ Environment Kit PV101-A-HAZ with PV101 shield English, Spanish, French, Italian, German
*Added features not available in these language models.

- 產品資料下載


Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-C (1110823; revision date - 10/2016)
Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-C-HAZ (1411568; revision date - 09/2015)
Sales Flyer - Model PV101-C (1100005; revision date - 01/2017)
Sales Flyer - Model PV101-C - Russian Version (1100005-R; revision date - 04/2012)
Tier 4 Overview (1110836; revision - date 08/2016)
Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-C Configuration Tool (1110834; revision date – 08/2011)
Tier 4 Overview (1110836)
Parameter List (1110829)
Wiring Diagrams (0710168)
PVA Gage Wiring Harness Accessories (03020)
PVM Gage Wiring Harness Accessories (0710179)
Modbus Holding Registers (1110832)
Error Messages List (1110830)
Fuel Sender Calibration (1110833)
Installation and Operations Manual - Model PV101-C Configuration Tool (00-02-0797)
How to Configure PV101-C Interactive Training Guide
Connector kits, EMEA regions (ys6475)
PV101 3d Model (Step file)


Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-A (1110823; revision date - 09/2016)
Spanish (0610091-S; revision date – 01/2009)
German (0610091-G; revision date – 01/2009)
French (0610091-F; revision date – 01/2009)
Italian (0610091-I; revision date – 01/2009)
Chinese (0610091-C; revision date - 01/2009)
Russian (0610091-R; revision date - 07/2009)
Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-A-HAZ (1411568; revision date - 09/2015)
Troubleshooting guide (0710172)
Supported J1939 Parameters (0710174)
Wiring Diagrams (0710168)
PVA Gage Wiring Harness Accessories (03020)
PVM Gage Wiring Harness Accessories (0710179)
Modbus Holding Registers (0710171)
Error Messages List (0710170)
Fuel Sender Calibration (1110833)
PV101 3d Model (Step file)


Sales Bulletin - Model PV101-A-HAZ/PV101-C-HAZ (1411568; revision date - 09/2015)


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