

Since 2007










Autoclave Engineers Research Systems 高溫 高壓反應釜 High temperature High Pressure Reactor
美國Autoclave公司壓力反應釜 美國 AE反應釜 催化反應釜

Autoclave Engineers 1945年由Fred Gashe成立,以優良的壓力反應器和管路閥門設備聞名于世。在超過半個世紀的發展歷程中, Autoclave Engineers 致力于產品的安全和可靠性,持續推動整個行業的發展。磁力耦合攪拌器 MagneDrive是 Autoclave Engineers 著名的技術專利之一,極大的提高了壓力反應器安全性和使用范圍,廣泛應用在壓力設備領域,成為行業標準。其產品在石油化工,食品醫藥,環境保護,精細化工等諸多領域得到了廣泛的使用。 Founded by Fred Gasche in 1945 to fill a gap in the world of high pressure and high temperature technology. Parker Autoclave Engineers has created and produced many novel pressure vessel designs as well as made significant break throughs in high pressure technology such as the MagneDrive? magnetically coupled agitator. We have made these developments through commitments to constant innovation and hiring the best technical personnel available.


Parker Autoclave Engineers Research Systems PDF Catalogs freee download



- Autoclave Engineers Research Systems Products

Pressure Vessels
Magnetically Coupled Mixers
Stirred Reactors
Catalytic Reactors
High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor
Process Instrumentation
High Pressure Pumps 高壓泵
MagnePump?: 7-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps
A magnetically coupled, packless, high-pressure pump
Spare Parts and Special Options 備件和特殊選項
Standard Renewal Parts
Replacement parts for your Parker Autoclave Engineers equipment
Valves, Fittings and Tubing
Customer Support Services客戶支持服務


Autoclave Engineers 壓力設備經過嚴格 ISO9001 質量認證,產品通過了 ASME (美國機械工程師學會), CE (歐洲統一認證), PED (歐洲壓力許可認證), CRN (加拿大注冊編號)等國際權威機構的認證。 Founded by Fred Gasche in 1945 to fill a gap in the world of high pressure and high temperature technology. Parker Autoclave Engineers has created and produced many novel pressure vessel designs as well as made significant break throughs in high pressure technology such as the MagneDrive? magnetically coupled agitator. We have made these developments through commitments to constant innovation and hiring the best technical personnel available.


Autoclave Engineers反應釜系統產品擴展性良好,可擴展為多釜串聯連續流動反應器,或者多釜平行反應裝置。釜體可在允許范圍內加裝各種檢測設備或配件,以滿足用戶個性化的需求。 Autoclave Engineers 產品提供了高度的通用性,為用戶大程度減少使用和維護成本。不同型號的產品,其部件通用性高達70%,通過更換反應釜體,攪拌部件,閥門管路等方法,擴展使用范圍,達到設備更大的利用率。


Parker Autoclave Engineers Reactor

Parker Autoclave Engineers Research Systems特點和優勢:




Autoclave Engineers公司生產的MagneDrives系列產品是一種高速磁力耦合攪拌設備,該磁力耦合攪拌器適合在高壓環境中使用,且不會對生產過程造成污染。MagneDrives系列攪拌器具有多種型號,從小型的實驗室規格到工廠攪拌器規格均有提供。此類高速攪拌器適用于氣體彌散、液體混合以及固體的懸浮作業。

Autoclave Engineers公司生產的MagnePumps系列高壓泵,能夠杜絕或減輕傳統泵的常見問題,如泄漏、污染和發熱等。Autoclave Engineers公司生產的高壓泵適合在以下環境中使用:對液體的高純性有嚴格要求的應用;一旦介質發生泄漏會產生嚴重危險的應用,如核回路、石油水化物回路等。

Autoclave Engineers公司生產的螺栓封閉式反應器,適用于高壓應用,性能可靠。該反應器的密封件采用與反應器材質相同的金屬墊片,產品具有多種不同的標準配置。 Autoclave Engineers公司生產的反應器仍安裝于支架上,在開啟反應器時,無需拆卸設備連接件。該間歇式反應器的機體可以方便的從外殼上拆卸下來。

Autoclave Engineers公司生產各種攪拌反應器,產品尺寸多種多樣,從微型反應器到工業生產用大型攪拌器均有供應。攪拌反應器還具有各種材質、各種加熱和冷卻方式的類型可供客戶選擇,提供各種不同的高壓、高溫額定值、封閉方式,以及多種內部部件,能夠滿足多種反應器應用要求。

Autoclave Engineers公司生產各種不同的封閉方式、各種材質和尺寸的壓力容器產品。Autoclave Engineers公司的壓力容器產品能夠在極端高溫和高壓環境中使用,適用于間歇式化學反應、向下鉆進模擬、催化劑研究,或作為壓載容器使用。




Downhole simulation, catalyst research, gas dispersion, liquid blending, solid suspension, monitoring and contrl of pressures, temperatures, mixing speed, gas flow, reactor functions, high-pressure pumping.

Quick Links

- Vessel Selection Guide (New)
- Compare: Pressure Vessels
- Compare: Hi Temp Press. Closure
- Advantage: Reactor Port Connect
- Download: Product Literature
- Review: Catalyst Baskets

Parker Autoclave Business Units
Valves, Fittings, and Tubing
Air Driven Pumps



Fixed Bed(tube) Reactors:反應過程中的反應動力學變化迅速,或是要模仿連續流反應器的反應過程

Mahoney-Robinson type Catalyst Basket Reactor:液體物料占多數,少數的固體催化劑不能被液體物料托起來,使用固定在攪拌桿上的催化劑籃子


Harshaw Stationary and Falling Catalyst Basket Reactor:球形催化欄方便固體催化劑先接觸氣體后接觸液體物料的反應,同時防止固體催化劑被液體物料包裹

Berty Basket Catalyst Testing Reactor:


Caldwell Stationary Catalyst Basket Reactor:用于氣體催化劑密度非常低,且不關心反應產生內壓的反應釜

Carberry Spinning Catalyst Basket Reactor: 同一水平面內的氣體和固體物質充分接觸的催化劑釜

Autoclave Engineers E-catalog Product Literature
Pressure Vessels - Laboratory Stirred Reactor - MagneDrives
Instrumentation - Systems

Pressure Vessels
- Bolted Closure Pressure Vessels
- Zipperclave Pressure Vessels
- AE Closure Pressure Vessels
- O-Ring Closure Pressure Vessels
- Cone Closure Pressure Vessels
- Eze Seal Pressure Vessels
- Kuentzel Closure Pressure Vessels
- Threadless Pin Closure Pressure Vessels
- Gasche Resilient Thread Closure Pressure Vessels
- Pressure Vessel Closure Hight Temperature High Pressure Style Comparison

Magnetically Coupled Mixers
- Agitator/Mixer Product Comparison
- MagneDrive Application Data Sheet
- MagneDrives Select Guide
- Mag III (3050) - MagneDrive
- Mag 2.75 - Production Scale High Pressure Magnetic Mixer
- Mag 0.75 - Laboratory High Pressure Magnetic Mixer
- MAG075 Inline MagneDrive Series
- Mag 1.5001 - Pilot Scale High Presure Magnetic Mixer 1.5001 Pressure Magnetic Mixer MagneDrive II agitators
- Mag 1.5002 - MagneDrive II Series
- Mag 1.5004-1.5010 - MagneDrive II Series

Stirred Reactors 攪拌反應器
- Mini-Reactors
- Mini-Reactors Order Guide
- Zipperclave Stirred Laboratory Reactor
- ZipperClave Stirred Reactors Ordering Guide 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 ml
- 500 and 1,000 ml ZipperClave?Stirred Reactor
- 500 and 1,000 ml EZE-Seal Stirred Reactor
- 2,000 and 4,000 ml Bolted Closure Stirred Reactor
- Stirred Reactor Selector Guide
- Bolted Closure Ordering Guide
- Mini-Reactor 25, 50, 100 & 150ml
- 100/300 ml Bolted Closure
- 500/1000 ml Bolted Closure
- 2,000/4,000 ml Bolted Closure
- Hi-Temp 2000/4000ml Bolted Closure
- EZE-Seal Ordering Guide
- 100/300 ml EZE-Seal
- 500/1000 ml EZE-Seal
- 2000/4000 ml EZE-Seal
- Zipperclave Ordering Guide
- 500/1,000 ml Zipperclave
- 2,000/4,000 ml Zipperclave
- EZE-Seal Stirred Laboratory Reactor
- Bolted Closure Laboratory Batch Reactors
- Stirred Reactor Conversion Kits
- 12ml Micro-Berty Catalytic Packless Reactor

High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor
- High Temperature, Bolted Closure Batch Reactor

Catalyst Testing Reactors 催化反應器

- Berty Stationary Basket Catalyst Reactor
- MicroBerty Catalyst Testing Reactor
- Robinson-Mahoney Catalyst Testing Reactor
- Micro Robinson-Mahoney Catalyst Reactor
- Mahoney-Robinson Spinning Basket Reactor
- Carberry Spinning Basket Catalyst Reactor
- Harshaw Falling Basket Catalyst Reactor
- Caldwell Catalyst Testing Reactor
- MicroClave Catalyst Testing Reactor

Laboratory Reaction Systems
- Multi-Reactor BTRS Reactor System
- BTRS-Jr. Laboratory Tube Reactor System
- Multi-Reactor Systems
- BRTS-900 Automatic Tube reactor System

Process Instrumentation
- Sentinel Series Controller
- Watchtower Software
- UTD (Universal Tach Display) Universal Tachometer Display
- UMC (Universal Motor Controller)
- UFC (Universal Flow Controller)
- URC (Universal Reactor Controller)
- UHC (Universal Heater Controller)

High Pressure Pumps
- MagnePump - 3/4 HP ; MagnePump - 3/4 & 1-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps
- MagnePump - 5 HP ; MagnePump - 5 & 7-1/2 HP Circulating Pumps

Spare Parts
- Standard Renewal Parts
- Custom Components

Customer Support Services
- Inspection, Testing and Recertification
- Repair and Refurbishment
- Installation and Training
- Technical Support

Custom Applications
- High Pressure Impregnation System
- Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Vessels
- Corrosion Test System
- Hydrothermal/Crystal Growth Vessel
- Down Hole Simulation System
- Core Disolving/Removal System
- Subsea Simulation Vessel
- Agency Approvals

- Autoclave Engineers MagneDrives系列攪拌反應器

- NEW - - 2019: Parker Autoclave Research Products Guide
PDF Listing



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