空氣軟管 - Air Hose
派克空氣軟管為廣泛的市場提供強大的服務。我們提供多種顏色,壓力和尺寸的多種結構。我們的空氣軟管包括液壓和氣動空氣軟管選件,專為各種工業應用中的空氣傳輸而設計。它們還具有在高和低工作溫度和壓力下工作的能力。這使它們適合在極端的環境中使用。Parker air hoses provide a robust service for a wide range of markets. We offer a variety of constructions in multiple colours, pressures and sizes. Our air hoses, which includes both hydraulic and pneumatic air hose options, are designed for the transfer of air within a variety of industrial applications. They also have the capability of working with high and low operating temperatures and pressures. This makes them suitable for use in the most extreme environments.
MPT II非導電多用途耐油軟管
MPT II非導電多用途耐油軟管設計用于在212°F和300 psi的應用中輸送空氣,輕度化學品,油和水
DAY-FLO 多用途耐油軟管
Day-Flo多用途耐油軟管專為在212°F和300 psi的應用中輸送空氣,輕度化學品,油和水而設計
SUPER-FLEX GS大直徑常規服務空氣和水軟管
Super-Flex GS大口徑通用空氣和水軟管設計用于在212°F和200 psi的應用中輸送空氣,輕度化學品和水
GST II通用空氣和水軟管
GST II是通用橡膠軟管,設計用于空氣壓縮機和車間空氣軟管系統,在212°F和300 psi的應用中輸送輕度/稀釋的化學品和水
Jiffy推入/推入鎖耐油多用途橡膠軟管旨在在212°F和300 psi的應用中輸送空氣,輕度化學品,機油,水和生物燃料,柴油,乙醇和汽油等精制燃料(7212系列)。
Grizzly 500非導電耐油多用途橡膠軟管是一款高級產品,旨在在212°F和500 psi的應用中輸送空氣,溫和的化學品,油和水,系列7107。
多用途輸送軟管-Python NY / L 30
Python NY / L 30黃色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。
尼龍軟管-Fast-Stor 系列
派克尼龍空氣軟管(Fast-Stor )是一種由硬質耐磨尼龍制成的氣動軟管卷管,具有出色的記憶特性。該軟管盤管設計用于氣動應用,例如建筑和工業自動化。
多用途轉移軟管-GST II黑色15
GST II Black 15 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。
Stinger II高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管專為7268E系列,適用于212°F和1000 psi的空氣,溫和化學品,油和水
多用途傳輸軟管-Python NV / L 20
Python NV / L 20綠色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。
GST II空氣軟管工廠總成,系列7092/7093
GST II空氣軟管工廠總成設計用于車間使用的空氣輸送,并為氣動工具提供動力,使其達到212°F和300 psi,7092/7093系列
派克的NoMarFast-Stor 螺旋空氣軟管/ 95UFS由95硬度的耐磨聚氨酯制成。它們在各種堅固和重型工業氣動應用中具有較長的使用壽命。
DragonBreath 熱空氣軟管專為在350°F和200 psi的干物料裝載/卸載應用中的熱空氣輸送而設計,SW360系列
Super Premi-Air空氣/水Parker Super Premi-Air軟管是優質的優質空氣軟管。PVC結構可確保輕巧,靈活,易于處理。
多用途轉移軟管-GST II黑色20
GST II Black 20 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。
Super-Lok推入/推入鎖通用橡膠軟管設計用于在應用中將空氣,溫和化學品和水輸送到212°F和300 psi(7211系列)。
多用途輸送軟管-Python N / L 20
Python N / L 20黑色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。
MPW-1000 高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管,系列7204
MPW-1000高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管專為7300系列和300°F和1000 psi的應用而設計,適用于空氣,熱物料,輕度化學品,水,油和精制燃料,例如生物柴油,柴油,乙醇和汽油
大錘空氣軟管工廠總成設計用于向212°F和300 psi的氣動工具輸送空氣,7082/7083系列
ARCTIC EDGE低溫多用途耐油軟管,7102系列
Arctic Edge低溫耐油多用途橡膠軟管設計用于在-70°F和300 psi的應用中轉移空氣,油,水和精制燃料,例如生物柴油,柴油,乙醇和汽油,系列7102
THORO-BRAID 中壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管,系列7251
Thoro-Braid中壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管專為7251系列的212°F和600 psi的重載應用中的空氣,溫和化學品,油和水而設計
YELLOWBIRD 高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管,系列7284
Yellow Bird高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管是為空氣,溫和化學品,油和水設計的,適用于重負荷應用,高溫度為212°F和1500 psi,7284系列
PVC通用軟管設計用于在150°F和300 psi的應用中輸送空氣,溫和的化學藥品和水,GPH系列
Chemair Airline Premium輕型柔性航空公司,CAC系列
Chemair Airline Premium輕巧靈活的航空公司,具有耐化學腐蝕管的額外優勢。
Jackhammer空氣軟管工廠總成設計用于將空氣輸送到電動氣動工具,達到212°F和200 psi,7081系列
汽車空氣制動軟管-空氣制動DIN 74310
空氣制動DIN 74310是根據DIN 74310規格設計用于空氣制動回路的。
多用途轉移軟管-GST II紅色15
GST II Red 15 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。
GST II服務站空氣軟管工廠總成,系列7092
GST II服務站空氣軟管工廠組件設計用于將空氣從車庫和服務站空氣壓縮機和分配器傳輸到212°F和300 psi,7092系列
Airmaster軟管按照IS 446類型3規范制造,滿足行業要求,也滿足恒定壓力應用的要求,并具有耐磨和耐臭氧的黃色護蓋。
WHIPPET 200多功能耐油軟管,系列7137
Whippet 200多功能耐油軟管專為空氣,油和水的輸送而設計,是輕載型鞭端服務,工業工作臺和空氣管路的理想選擇,適用于212°F和200 psi的應用,系列7137
Coalmaster Fras Yellow空氣/水FRAS額定軟管,FSA系列
Coalmaster Fras Yellow空氣/水FRAS(防火,抗靜電)等級的軟管由輕質,高度耐磨的聚合物制成,專為地下煤礦行業開發。
水管-Prescord N / R 10
Prescord N / R 10巴的設計滿足標準水和非腐蝕性液體排放軟管的要求。
硅酮極高溫增壓空氣冷卻器軟管設計用于將熱廢氣從重型發動機應用的增壓系統連接,對齊和轉移到500°F和25 psi(6823系列)
空氣軟管-Miniera 20 bar MSHA
當需要阻燃功能時,Miniera 20 bar MSHA專為各種行業和應用中的空氣和水而設計。
雙感應軟管設計用于輸送空氣,以在200°F和250 psi的壓力下運行飛機加油控制系統應用,7140系列
SUPERMPT II非導電多用途耐油軟管,系列7396
Super MPT II非導電多用途耐油軟管設計用于將空氣,溫和化學品,油和水傳輸到212°F和300 psi的應用中,系列7396。
汽車空氣制動軟管-Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
空氣制動SAE J 1402-A是根據SAE J 1402-A規格設計用于空氣制動回路的。
食品和飲料抽吸/熱空氣軟管設計用于在325°F和250 psi的應用中進行熱空氣輸送,SW319系列
Deadman雙感應軟管設計用于輸送空氣,以在200°F和200 psi下運行噴砂控制系統應用,7138系列
Deadman雙感應軟管設計用于轉移空氣,以在200°F和200 psi的壓力下操作飛機加油控制系統應用,系列7139
Jiffy多用途耐油推入式軟管工廠剪切長度設計用于輸送空氣,燃料,輕度化學品,油和水,適??用于212°F和300 psi的應用,7212系列
硅膠高溫增壓空氣冷卻器軟管設計用于將進氣從重型發動機應用的增壓系統連接,對準和轉移到350°F和25 psi(6824系列)
Blue Adflex Airline Flexible是一種輕型的航空軟管。它為不需要10mm Chemair更高工作壓力的用戶提供了一種經濟的選擇。符合AS / NZS 2554 B類要求。
EW360系列大直徑重型定制熱空氣軟管設計用于300°F和100 psi的應用中的熱空氣輸送
耐化學腐蝕的厚壁PTFE光滑管軟管-929 / 929B
929 / 929B具有比919 / 919B軟管更高的抗扭結性和更高的耐氣體滲透性。929 / 929B PTFE軟管具有出色的化學相容性,抗潮性,并且可在-100°F至+ 450°F的寬溫度范圍內使用。
耐化學腐蝕的PTFE光滑管軟管-919 / 919B / 919J / 919U
Parkers的呼吸空氣補充軟管是7,000 psi的工作壓力軟管。它符合CGA G7.1-1 E級呼吸空氣標準和NFPA 1901對消防設備的要求。
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MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi
36 Parts
Day-Flo Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi
15 Parts
Super-Flex GS Large Diameter General Service Air & Water Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 212°F and 200 psi
6 Parts
GST II General Purpose Air & Water Hose
GST II is a general purpose rubber hose designed for air compressor and shop air hose systems, transfer of mild/diluted chemicals, and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi
90 Parts
JIFFY Push-On Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7212
Jiffy Push-On/Push Lock Oil Resistant Multipurpose Rubber Hose is designed to transfer air, mild chemicals, oil, water and refined fuels such as biodiesel, diesel, ethanol and gasoline in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7212.
26 Parts
GRIZZLY 500 Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7107
Grizzly 500 Nonconductive Oil Resistant Multipurpose Rubber Hose is a premium product designed to transfer air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 500 psi, Series 7107.
9 Parts
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NY/L 30
Python NY/L 30 yellow multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.
14 Parts
Nylon Air Hose - Fast-Stor Series
Parker Nylon Air Hose (Fast-Stor ) is a pneumatic hose coil manufactured from tough, abrasion-resistant nylon with superior memory characteristic. This hose coil was designed for pneumatic applications, such as construction and industrial automation.
12 Parts
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 15
GST II Black 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.
15 Parts
STINGER II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7268E
Stinger II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 1000 psi, Series 7268E
9 Parts
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NV/L 20
Python NV/L 20 green multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.
9 Parts
GST II Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7092/7093
GST II Air Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of air for shop use and to power pneumatic tools to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7092/7093
12 Parts
Coiled Air Hose - NoMar Fast-Stor
Parker’s NoMar Fast-Stor Coiled Air Hose/95UFS is manufactured from a 95 durometer, abrasion-resistant polyurethane. They have a long service life in various rugged and heavy-duty industrial pneumatic applications.
22 Parts
Dragon Breath Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in dry material loading/unloading applications to 350°F and 200 psi, Series SW360
5 Parts
Super Premi-Air Air/Water Hose,Series SPA
Super Premi-Air Air/Water Parker Super Premi-Air hose is a premium, high quality air hose. The PVC construction ensures lightweight and flexibility for easy handling.
1 Part
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 20
GST II Black 20 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.
7 Parts
SUPER-LOK Push-On General Purpose Hose, Series 7211
Super-Lok Push-On/Push Lock General Purpose Rubber Hose is designed to transfer air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7211.
15 Parts
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python N/L 20
Python N/L 20 black multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.
8 Parts
MPW-1000 High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7204
MPW-1000 High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, hot materials, mild chemicals, water, oil, and refined fuels such as biodiesel, diesel, ethanol and gasoline in applications to 300°F and 1000 psi, Series 7204
2 Parts
Sledgehammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7082/7083
Sledgehammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of air to power pneumatic tools to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7082/7083
4 Parts
ARCTIC EDGE Low Temperature Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7102
Arctic Edge Low Temperature Oil Resistant Multipurpose Rubber Hose is designed to transfer air, oil, water and refined fuels such as biodiesel, diesel, ethanol and gasoline in applications to -70°F and 300 psi, Series 7102
7 Parts
THORO-BRAID Medium Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7251
Thoro-Braid Medium Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in heavy duty applications to 212°F and 600 psi, Series 7251
5 Parts
YELLOW BIRD High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7284
Yellow Bird High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in heavy duty applications to 212°F and 1500 psi, Series 7284
9 Parts
PVC General Purpose Hose, Series GPH
PVC General Purpose Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 150°F and 300 psi, Series GPH
26 Parts
Chemair Airline Premium lightweight flexible Airline,Series CAC
Chemair Airline Premium lightweight flexible Airline with the added benefit of a chemical resistant tube.
14 Parts
Jackhammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7081
Jackhammer Air Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of air to power pneumatic tools to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7081
2 Parts
Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake DIN 74310
Airbrake DIN 74310 is designed for air brake circuits according to DIN 74310 specs.
3 Parts
Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Red 15
GST II Red 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.
9 Parts
GST II Service Station Air Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7092
GST II Service Station Air Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of air from garage and service station air compressors and dispensers to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7092
8 Parts
Airmaster meets IS 446. Hose for air handling
Airmaster hose is made as per IS 446 type 3 specification, design to meet the industry requirement also made for constant pressure applications, with abrasion & ozone resistant yellow colour cover.
7 Parts
WHIPPET 200 Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7137
Whippet 200 Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, oil and water, and is ideal for light duty whip end service, industrial bench work and air lines in applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7137
Where To Buy
0 Part
Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS Rated Hose, Series FSA
Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS (Fire Resistant, Anti-Static) rated hose made from lightweight, highly abrasion resistant polymer developed specifically for use in the underground coal mining industry.
1 Part
Water Hose - Prescord N/R 10
Prescord N/R 10 bar is designed to satisfy request for a standard water and non-aggressive liquids discharge hose.
7 Parts
Silicone Extreme High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose, Series 6823
Silicone Extreme High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose is designed to connect, align and transfer the hot exhaust air from the charging system of heavy duty engine applications to 500°F and 25 psi, Series 6823
4 Parts
Air Hose - Miniera 20 bar MSHA
Miniera 20 bar MSHA is designed for air and water in a variety of industries and applications whenever a flame resistant feature is requested.
11 Parts
Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7140
Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate aircraft fueling control system applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7140
1 Part
SUPER MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7396
Super MPT II Nonconductive Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7396.
3 Parts
Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
Airbrake SAE J 1402-A is designed for air brake circuits according to SAE J 1402-A specs.
2 Parts
Food & Beverage Suction/Hot Air Hose, Series SW319
Food & Beverage Suction/Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in applications to 325°F and 250 psi, Series SW319
5 Parts
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7138
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate sand blasting control system applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7138
Where To Buy
0 Part
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose, Series 7139
Deadman Twin Sensing Hose is designed for transfer of air to operate aircraft fueling control system applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7139
1 Part
JIFFY Multipurpose Oil Resistant Push-On Hose Factory Cut Lengths, Series 7212
Jiffy Multipurpose Oil Resistant Push-On Hose Factory Cut Lengths are designed for transfer of air, fuel, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7212
7 Parts
Silicone High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose, Series 6824
Silicone High Temperature Charge Air Cooler Hose is designed to connect, align and transfer the intake air from the charging system of heavy duty engine applications to 350°F and 25 psi, Series 6824
4 Parts
Blue Adflex Airline Hose,Series HAL
Blue Adflex Airline Flexible is a lightweight airline hose. It provides an economical alternative for users who do not require the higher working pressure of 10mm Chemair. Conforms to AS/NZS 2554 class B requirements.
1 Part
Polyurethane Recoil Hose -Series HUMCER
Parker HUMCE Recoil hose is polyurethane recoil with small recoil diameter and good impact resistance.
50 Parts
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose, Series EW360
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in applications to 300°F and 100 psi, Series EW360
8 Parts
Chemical Resistant Heavy Wall PTFE Smoothbore Hose - 929/929B
The 929/929B features improved kink resistance and enhanced resistance to gas permeation over 919/919B hose. 929/929B PTFE hoses feature superior chemical compatibility, resist moisture,and performs in a wide temperature range from -100°F to +450°F.
8 Parts
Static Dissipative Smoothbore PTFE Hose with Silicone Jacket - 929BJ
Parker's 929BJ hose features a static-dissipative PTFE core tube and a brown silicone, steam cleanable jacket to provide a smooth cover to protect the stainless steel wire reinforcement against wear, fraying and contaminants.
5 Parts
Chemical Resistant PTFE Smoothbore Hose - 919/919B/919J/919U
PTFE hoses feature superior chemical compatibility, resist moisture, perform in a wide temperature range and offer a low coefficient of friction to assist with flow. Most 919 hoses handle temperatures up to 450°F.
General Purpose Transfer Hose - B9 Series
Parker’s B9 General Purpose Transfer Hose is recognized for its exceptional flexibility. It is designed for use in applications that involve low pressure transmission of air, oil, water, and coolants.
12 Parts
OBSOLETE: Scuba Diving Breathing Air Hose - Diver 100 EN 250
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.
3 Parts
OBSOLETE: Air Hose - Miniera 40 bar
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.
4 Parts
OBSOLETE: Hot Air Hose - Airtemp 220
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.
5 Parts
OBSOLETE: Air Hose - Miniera 10 bar
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.
6 Parts
OBSOLETE: Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Jiffy
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.
5 Parts
Breathing Air Refill Hose - 527BA
Parkers’ Breathing Air Refill Hose is a 7,000 psi working pressure hose. It complies with CGA G7.1-1 Grade E Breathing Air Standards and NFPA 1901 requirements for Fire Apparatus.
2 Parts
Truck Coils, Fifth Wheel Slider
A Parker Fifth Wheel Slider Coil is a universal slider coil for a tractor-to-trailer connections.
2 Parts
Truck Coils, SliderCoil
SliderCoil assemblies are used between an adjustable rear trailer axle and the final point on a trailer chassis.
6 Parts