


Since 2007



水管 Water Hose

派克的工業水管系列可提供多種壓力和尺寸,以適應多種應用的需求。我們還提供耐候和耐磨軟管選件,可在惡劣環境下提供穩定的服務。該系列還包括用于多功能操作的多功能輸送軟管。在我們的產品范圍內,我們擁有適合幾乎所有功能的軟管,并提供了多種配置,可滿足您易于安裝的應用需求。Parker’s industrial water hose range offers multiple pressures and sizes to suit the demands of a wide variety of applications. We also offer weather and abrasion resistant hose options for robust service in harsh environments. The range also includes multipurpose transfer hoses for versatile operation. Within our range we have hoses suitable for almost every function and offer a wide range of configurations to suit the needs of your application that are easy to install.


Parker高壓2440D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高220 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2448D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于高達325 MPa的工作壓力。


Parker高壓2640D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高280 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2740D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高300 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2748D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高280 MPa的工作壓力。


Parker高壓2749D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于高達301 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2848D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高320 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2840D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和較長的使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高400 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓ESH軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高25 MPa的工作壓力。


Parker高壓2240D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高120 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2248D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高150 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高壓2380M軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高110 MPa的工作壓力。


Parker高壓2440N軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于最高140 MPa的工作壓力。


Parker高壓2849D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于高達380 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2022N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于最高34.5 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2240N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于最高43 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2340N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker軟管2580N Black Eagle專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。用于最高69 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2640N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,符合市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于最高86.5 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2380N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。用于最高69 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2440N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于最高86.5 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2390N軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于最高49 MPa的工作壓力。


派克高溫軟管專為高壓清潔應用而開發,在高達100°C(212°F)的工作溫度下,具有出色的操作性和較長的使用壽命以及卓越的安全標準。工作壓力高達125 MPa。


GST II通用空氣和水軟管
GST II是通用橡膠軟管,設計用于空氣壓縮機和車間空氣軟管系統,在212°F和300 psi的應用中輸送輕度/稀釋的化學品和水


NEXBRAID PVC透明標準墻通用軟管,系列125
Nexbraid PVC透明標準墻通用服務軟管設計用于在150°F和250 psi的應用中轉移磨料,空氣,食品顆粒,衛生產品和飲用水,125系列

標準負載吸水軟管專為在溫度高達180°F和150 psi的應用中輸送水而設計,系列7392E


多用途輸送軟管-Python NY / L 30
Python NY / L 30黃色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。


多用途轉移軟管-GST II黑色15
GST II Black 15 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。


Push-Lok 自握軟管-830M
Parker 830M軟管專為滿足液壓或介質傳輸應用中的高要求而設計。它們具有可靠性,多功能性和高度定制性,是生產環境的理想選擇。適用于高達1.6 MPa的工作壓力。


Stinger II高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管專為7268E系列,適用于212°F和1000 psi的空氣,溫和化學品,油和水


颶風高壓清洗機軟管是專為在250°F和3000 psi的應用中的高壓應用而設計的7258系列


多用途傳輸軟管-Python NV / L 20
Python NV / L 20綠色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。


颶風高壓清洗機軟管工廠總成設計用于250°F和3000 psi的高壓應用,7258系列


承包商的水軟管工廠總成旨在將用于清潔,沖洗和一般應用的水輸送到7055系列的180°F和100 psi


Push-Lok 自握軟管-838M
派克838M軟管專為滿足液壓或介質傳輸應用中的高要求而設計。它們具有可靠性,多功能性和高度定制性,是生產環境的理想選擇。適用于高達1.6 MPa的工作壓力。


汽車冷卻和加熱替代燃料線-Radior 10
Radior 10軟管設計用于在發動機冷卻系統中輸送熱水。


Premium Contractor的水管工廠組件設計用于將PR系列的用于清洗,沖洗和一般服務的水輸送到180°F和125 psi


Super Premi-Air空氣/水Parker Super Premi-Air軟管是優質的優質空氣軟管。PVC結構可確保輕巧,靈活,易于處理。


多用途轉移軟管-GST II黑色20
GST II Black 20 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。


Super-Lok推入/推入鎖通用橡膠軟管設計用于在應用中將空氣,溫和化學品和水輸送到212°F和300 psi(7211系列)。




熱水和蒸汽傳輸軟管-Radior 3(Coil)
Radior 3(Coil)設計用于標準值勤服務中的冷卻和加熱系統。


GULLYWASHER PVC標準責任平放排水軟管,7541系列
Gully Washer PVC標準責任平放排水軟管設計用于在140°F和70 psi的應用中進行水輸送,7541系列


Blue Stripe Washdown Premium沖洗軟管專為冷沖洗應用而設計。


水管-Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar設計用于在需要使用輕巧可靠的軟管時抽吸和輸送水和非腐蝕性液體。


多用途輸送軟管-Python N / L 20
Python N / L 20黑色多用途軟管旨在為大多數工業應用(包括任務繁重的應用)提供高效有效的解決方案。


YELLOWBIRD 高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管,系列7284
Yellow Bird高壓鋼絲編織多用途耐油軟管是為空氣,溫和化學品,油和水設計的,適用于重負荷應用,最高溫度為212°F和1500 psi,7284系列


PVC通用軟管設計用于在150°F和300 psi的應用中輸送空氣,溫和的化學藥品和水,GPH系列


優質熱水軟管工廠總成設計用于將HWR系列的用于清潔,沖洗和一般服務的熱水輸送到212°F和125 psi




輕型噴水軟管,設計用于在180°F和500 psi的應用中轉移水,SS122系列


標準負載吸水軟管是為7212系列的212°F和150 psi的應用中的輸水設計的


PWD壓力沖洗軟管設計用于中等壓力,高溫應用,適用于250°F和1500 psi的應用,7143系列


ECW經濟型沖洗軟管專為中等壓力服務而設計,適用于212°F和300 psi的應用,7079系列


熱水和蒸汽傳輸軟管-Radior 3(剪切長度)
Radior 3(剪切長度)設計用于標準值勤服務中的冷卻和加熱系統。


SUPER-FLEX 重型吸水軟管,系列7325
Super-Flex重型吸水軟管設計用于在溫度為212°F和300 psi的應用中進行輸水,型號7325


7306E系列標準負荷水排放軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


GULLYWASHER PVC中型臥式排水軟管,7542系列
Gully Washer PVC中型臥式扁平排水軟管設計用于在140°F和150 psi的應用中進行水輸送,7542系列


DYNAFLEX PVC標準負壓吸水軟管,系列7560
Dynaflex PVC標準負壓吸管設計用于在溫度為140°F和120 psi的應用中轉移磨料,溫和化學品,漿液和水,7560系列


MAXIFLEX 大直徑輕型空氣軟管,7308E系列
Maxiflex大直徑輕型空氣軟管專為7308E系列在212°F和300 psi的應用中的空氣輸送而設計




多用途轉移軟管-GST II紅色15
GST II Red 15 bar是一種用途廣泛且用途廣泛的多功能軟管。


熱水和蒸汽輸送軟管-Thermopress 10
Thermopress 10設計用于輸送熱水,非腐蝕性的熱液體和蒸汽,最高溫度為+120°C(+248°F)。


WILDCATTER 波紋狀底部沉積物和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管,系列7213E
Wildcatter波紋狀底部沉積物和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管設計用于在苛刻的油田廢料坑回收應用中將石油廢料,沉積物,淤渣,泥漿和水傳輸到185°F和150 psi,7213E系列


高壓水噴射軟管設計用于在180°F和800 psi的應用中水或泥漿的高速輸送,SS1111系列


RGR水管組件設計用于低壓水應用,適用于180°F和125 psi的應用,RGR系列


HDW重型沖洗軟管專為中等壓力服務而設計,適用于212°F和300 psi的應用,7080系列


非導電軟壁爐門冷卻劑軟管設計用于在高溫環境鑄造應用中將冷卻劑水輸送到212°F(內部)/ 572°F(外部)和150 psi(7385系列)


水管-Idro 10
Idro 10 bar設計用于在需要使用基本耐用的撓性軟管時排出水和非腐蝕性液體。


Coalmaster Fras Yellow空氣/水FRAS額定軟管,FSA系列
Coalmaster Fras Yellow空氣/水FRAS(防火,抗靜電)等級的軟管由輕質,高度耐磨的聚合物制成,專為地下煤礦行業開發。


水管-Prescord N / R 10
Prescord N / R 10巴的設計滿足標準水和非腐蝕性液體排放軟管的要求。


DAY-FLO 重型排水軟管,7306H系列
Day-Flo重型排水軟管設計用于在溫度為212°F和200 psi的應用中進行調水,系列7306H


藍色RIBBON 高壓清洗機軟管,系列7247
藍帶高壓清洗機軟管專為中壓應用而設計,適用于250°F和1500 psi的應用,7247系列




WILDCATTER 低壓沖洗軟管,7360系列
Wildcatter低壓沖洗軟管專為中壓應用而設計,適用于212°F和150 psi的應用,7360系列


硬壁爐門冷卻液吸入軟管設計用于在高溫環境鑄造應用中將冷卻水輸送到212°F(內部)/ 572°F(外部)和150 psi(7386系列)


NEXSPRAY?PVC /聚氨酯噴涂軟管,系列202
Nexspray PVC /聚氨酯噴涂軟管設計用于高壓噴涂/轉移稀釋的碳氫化合物,除草劑,農藥和水,適用于150°F和600 psi的應用,202系列


NEXBRAID PVC飲用水旁通軟管,系列128
Nexbraid PVC飲用水旁通軟管被設計為臨時導管,用于在管道的構建,維護和維修至150°F和250 psi(128系列)期間進行供水


Nexspray PVC噴涂軟管專為268系列,150°F和600 psi的應用中的高壓噴涂/轉移化學品,除草劑,農藥和水而設計


NEXSPRAY?PVC /聚氨酯噴涂軟管,系列203
Nexspray PVC /聚氨酯噴涂軟管設計用于高壓噴涂/轉移稀釋的碳氫化合物,除草劑,農藥和水,適用于150°F和800 psi的應用,系列203


NEXBRAID PVC透明重型通用軟管,系列126
Nexbraid PVC透明重型通用軟管設計用于在150°F和350 psi的應用中轉移磨料,空氣,食品顆粒,衛生產品和飲用水,系列126


Nexaqua PVC透明飲用水軟管設計用于將露營者和海洋應用中的飲用水轉移到150°F和150 psi,162系列


Nexaqua PVC白色飲用水軟管設計用于將露營者和海洋應用中的飲用水轉移到150°F和150 psi,164系列


BS&W底部底泥和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管設計用于在惡劣的油田廢油場回收應用中將石油廢料,沉積物,淤泥,泥漿和水輸送到200°F和150 psi,7208E系列


熱水和蒸汽輸送軟管-Calore Plus
Calore Plus旨在處理和輸送熱水,非腐蝕性的熱液體和蒸汽(間歇使用),最高溫度為140°C(+248°F)。


Nexva EVA Clear一般服務軟管設計用于在溫度為125°F和300 psi的應用中轉移磨料,無水氨,化學藥品,除草劑,殺蟲劑,水和各種介質(450系列)


Nexaqua PVC水管設計用于在150°和150 psi的應用中噴水/轉移水,系列160


Nexaqua PVC水軟管設計用于在150°和100 psi的應用中對水進行噴霧/轉移,系列161


Nexsyn EPDM / TPV軟管設計用于輸送空氣,飲料,食品,輕質化學品,衛生產品和飲用水,適用于180°F和200 psi的應用,715系列


大直徑重型定制排水軟管設計用于在180°F和175 psi的應用中進行輸水,ES104系列


大直徑輕質定制排水軟管設計用于在180°F和100 psi的應用中進行輸水,ES115系列


EW300系列大直徑輕質定制吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和125 psi的應用中進行輸水


EW301系列大直徑重型定制吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


LW701系列大直徑重型定制消防車吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


LW720系列大直徑重型定制波紋消防車吸管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


水管-Fucino 20
Fucino 20 bar設計用于在需要使用基本耐用的平底軟管時排出水和非腐蝕性液體。






過時的:水軟管-Aperflat MB



Parker 300 bar漁網清潔軟管FNC 300是專業清潔漁網以確保更清潔的水產養殖環境的理想解決方案。


派克2022N 10,000 psi軟管是設計用于液壓的恒壓軟管


Predator 下水道噴射和清潔軟管
ParkerPredator 下水道噴射和橫向清潔軟管專為清潔和清除下水道管線中的雜物而設計。


Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 220 MPa.

9 Parts

Tough Cover Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2448D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2448D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 325 MPa.

1 Part

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose - 2640D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2640D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

4 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2740D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2740D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 300 MPa.

4 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting Hose Series - 2748D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2748D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 280 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2749D
Parker High Pressure 2749D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 301 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2848D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2848D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 320 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose for Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting - 2840D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2840D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 400 MPa.

3 Parts

Sewer cleaning hose - ESH
Parker High Pressure ESH Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 25 MPa.

7 Parts

High Pressure Hose Series - 2240D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2240D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 120 MPa.

4 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2248D
Parker High Pressure 2248D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 150 MPa.

3 Parts

High pressure Hose Series - 2380M
Parker High Pressure 2380M Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 110 MPa.

2 Parts

Ultra-high pressure Hose Series - 2440N - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2440N Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 140 MPa.

4 Parts

Ultra-high pressure water jetting hose for ultra-high pressure water jetting - 2849D - Europe
Parker High Pressure 2849D Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 380 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure aramid hose - 2022N - Europe
Parker 2022N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 34.5 MPa.

7 Parts

High pressure wire hose with PA11 core tube - 2240N
Parker 2240N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure wire hose - 2340N - Europe
Parker 2340N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place.

2 Parts

Black Eagle Hose with ColorGard? - 2580N - Europe
Parker Hoses 2580N Black Eagle for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure wire hose - 2640N
Parker 2640N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure wire hose - 2380N
Parker 2380N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

3 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

8 Parts

High pressure wire hose - 2390N - Europe
Parker 2390N Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 49 MPa.

4 Parts

High Temperature Hose Series
Parker High Temperature Hoses are developed for High Pressure cleaning applications, at working temperatures up to 100 °C (212 °F), combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. Working pressures up to 125 MPa.

4 Parts

GST II General Purpose Air & Water Hose
GST II is a general purpose rubber hose designed for air compressor and shop air hose systems, transfer of mild/diluted chemicals, and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi

90 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Clear Standard Wall General Service Hose, Series 125
Nexbraid PVC Clear Standard Wall General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, air, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 125

11 Parts


Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392E
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7392E

6 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NY/L 30
Python NY/L 30 yellow multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

14 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 15
GST II Black 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

15 Parts

Push-Lok self-grip hose - 830M
Parker 830M Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

27 Parts

STINGER? II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7268E
Stinger II High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 212°F and 1000 psi, Series 7268E

9 Parts

HURRICANE? Pressure Washer Hose, Series 7258
Hurricane Pressure Washer Hose is designed for high pressure service in applications to 250°F and 3000 psi, Series 7258

5 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python NV/L 20
Python NV/L 20 green multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

9 Parts

HURRICANE? Pressure Washer Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7258
Hurricane Pressure Washer Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for high pressure service in applications to 250°F and 3000 psi, Series 7258

4 Parts

Contractor’s Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7055
Contractor's Water Hose Factory Assemblies are designed to transfer water for clean-up, wash down and general service applications to 180°F and 100 psi, Series 7055

6 Parts

Push-Lok self-grip hose - 838M
Parker 838M Hoses are designed to match high demands in hydraulics or media transfer applications. They offer reliability, versatility and a high degree of customization and are ideal for production environments. For working pressure up to 1.6 MPa.

5 Parts

Automotive Cooling & Heating Alternative Fuel Line - Radior 10
Radior 10 hose is designed for delivery of hot water in engine cooling systems.

2 Parts

Premium Contractor’s Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series PR
Premium Contractor's Water Hose Factory Assemblies are designed to transfer water for clean-up, wash down and general service applications to 180°F and 125 psi, Series PR

5 Parts

Super Premi-Air Air/Water Hose,Series SPA
Super Premi-Air Air/Water Parker Super Premi-Air hose is a premium, high quality air hose. The PVC construction ensures lightweight and flexibility for easy handling.

1 Part

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Black 20
GST II Black 20 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

7 Parts

SUPER-LOK? Push-On General Purpose Hose, Series 7211
Super-Lok Push-On/Push Lock General Purpose Rubber Hose is designed to transfer air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7211.

15 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Jumbo
Jumbo is a multipurpose hose engineered to discharge many type of fluids at high temperature.

4 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Radior 3 (Coil)
Radior 3 (Coil) is designed for cooling and heating systems in standard duty service.

25 Parts

GULLY WASHER PVC Standard Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose, Series 7541
Gully Washer PVC Standard Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 140°F and 70 psi, Series 7541

7 Parts

Blue Stripe Washdown Hose - Series BSW
Blue Stripe Washdown Premium washdown hose is designed specifically for cold washdown applications.

9 Parts

Water Hose - Bevera 10
Bevera 10 bar is engineered for suction and delivery of water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a lightweight and a reliable flexible hose.

18 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - Python N/L 20
Python N/L 20 black multipurpose hose is designed to respond with an efficient and efficacious solution to the majority of industrial applications, including those with an heavy duty mission profile.

8 Parts

YELLOW BIRD High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose, Series 7284
Yellow Bird High Pressure Wire Braid Multipurpose Oil Resistant Hose is designed for air, mild chemicals, oil and water in heavy duty applications to 212°F and 1500 psi, Series 7284

9 Parts

PVC General Purpose Hose, Series GPH
PVC General Purpose Hose is designed for transfer of air, mild chemicals and water in applications to 150°F and 300 psi, Series GPH

26 Parts

Premium Hot Water Hose Factory Assemblies, Series HWR
Premium Hot Water Hose Factory Assemblies are designed to transfer hot water for clean-up, wash down and general service applications to 212°F and 125 psi, Series HWR

5 Parts

Water Transfer Hose - 540P
Parker's 540P has a FDA compliant polyethylene core tube. This hose was developed for specialty water applications such as potable water and has expanded into other applications including CO2 transfer and two part foam and insulation applications.

3 Parts


Lightweight Water Jetting Hose, Series SS122
Lightweight Water Jetting Hose is designed for transfer of water in applications to 180°F and 500 psi, Series SS122

6 Parts

Standard Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7392
Standard Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7392

9 Parts

PWD? Pressure Wash Down Hose, Series 7143
PWD Pressure Wash Down Hose is designed for medium pressure, high temperature service in applications to 250°F and 1500 psi, Series 7143

3 Parts

ECW? Standard Duty Washdown Hose, Series 7079
ECW Economy Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7079

2 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Radior 3 (Cut Length)
Radior 3 (Cut Length) is designed for cooling and heating systems in standard duty service.

23 Parts

SUPER-FLEX Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose, Series 7325
Super-Flex Heavy Duty Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7325

4 Parts

Standard Duty Water Discharge Hose, Series 7306E
Standard Duty Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series 7306E

5 Parts

GULLY WASHER PVC Medium Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose, Series 7542
Gully Washer PVC Medium Duty Lay Flat Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 140°F and 150 psi, Series 7542

7 Parts

DYNAFLEX PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose, Series 7560
Dynaflex PVC Standard Duty Suction Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, mild chemicals, slurries and water in applications to 140°F and 120 psi, Series 7560

9 Parts

MAXIFLEX Large Diameter Lightweight Air Hose, Series 7308E
Maxiflex Large Diameter Lightweight Air Hose is designed for air transfer in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7308E

6 Parts

Water Hose - Multirex
Multirex is a general medium and heavy duty PVC hose for suction and delivery of non aggressive liquids.

18 Parts

Multipurpose Transfer Hose - GST II Red 15
GST II Red 15 bar is a multipurpose hose extremely versatile and operational.

9 Parts

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Thermopress 10
Thermopress 10 is engineered for delivery of hot water, non-aggressive hot liquids and steam to a maximum temperature of +120 °C (+248 °F).

9 Parts

WILDCATTER Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7213E
Wildcatter Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 185°F and 150 psi, Series 7213E

5 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose, Series SS111
High Pressure Water Jetting Hose is designed for high velocity transfer of water or slurries in applications to 180°F and 800 psi, Series SS1111

6 Parts

RGR Water Hose Assemblies, Series RGR
RGR Water Hose Assemblies are designed for low pressure water service in applications to 180°F and 125 psi, Series RGR

6 Parts

HDW? Heavy Duty Washdown Hose, Series 7080
HDW Heavy Duty Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 300 psi, Series 7080

Where To Buy
0 Part

Nonconductive Softwall Furnace Door Coolant Hose, Series 7385
Nonconductive Softwall Furnace Door Coolant Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in high environmental temperature foundry applications to 212°F (internal)/572°F (external) and 150 psi, Series 7385

6 Parts

Water Hose - Idro 10
Idro 10 bar is engineered to discharge water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a basic and durable flexible hose.

10 Parts

Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS Rated Hose, Series FSA
Coalmaster Fras Yellow Air/Water FRAS (Fire Resistant, Anti-Static) rated hose made from lightweight, highly abrasion resistant polymer developed specifically for use in the underground coal mining industry.

1 Part

Water Hose - Prescord N/R 10
Prescord N/R 10 bar is designed to satisfy request for a standard water and non-aggressive liquids discharge hose.

7 Parts

DAY-FLO Heavy Duty Water Discharge Hose, Series 7306H
Day-Flo Heavy Duty Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7306H

8 Parts

BLUE RIBBON Pressure Washer Hose, Series 7247
Blue Ribbon Pressure Washer Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 250°F and 1500 psi, Series 7247

2 Parts

Turf Master Water Delivery Hose, Series HSL
Turf Master Water Delivery Premium quality hose for general purpose water applications. Virgin PVC materials provide excellent flexibility at low temperatures.Lifetime manufacturing guarantee

6 Parts

WILDCATTER Low Pressure Washdown Hose, Series 7360
Wildcatter Low Pressure Washdown Hose is designed for medium pressure service in applications to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7360

2 Parts



Hardwall Furnace Door Coolant Suction Hose, Series 7386
Hardwall Furnace Door Coolant Suction Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in high environmental temperature foundry applications to 212°F (internal)/572°F (external) and 150 psi, Series 7386

1 Part

NEXSPRAY? PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 202
Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of diluted hydrocarbon-based chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 600 psi, Series 202

5 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Potable Water By-Pass Hose, Series 128
Nexbraid PVC Potable Water By-Pass Hose is designed as a temporary conduit for water supply during construction, maintenance and repair of pipe to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 128

6 Parts

NEXSPRAY? PVC Spray Hose, Series 268
Nexspray PVC Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 600 psi, Series 268

Where To Buy
0 Part

NEXSPRAY? PVC/Urethane Spray Hose, Series 203
Nexspray PVC/Urethane Spray Hose is designed for high pressure spray/transfer of diluted hydrocarbon-based chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and water in applications to 150°F and 800 psi, Series 203

4 Parts

NEXBRAID PVC Clear Heavy Duty General Service Hose, Series 126
Nexbraid PVC Clear Heavy Duty General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, air, food particulates, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 150°F and 350 psi, Series 126

7 Parts

NEXAQUA? PVC Clear Potable Water Hose, Series 162
Nexaqua PVC Clear Potable Water Hose is designed for transfer of potable water in camper and marine applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 162

1 Part

NEXAQUA? PVC White Potable Water Hose, Series 164
Nexaqua PVC White Potable Water Hose is designed for transfer of potable water in camper and marine applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 164

2 Parts

BS&W? Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7208E
BS&W Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 200°F and 150 psi, Series 7208E

Where To Buy
0 Part

Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Calore Plus
Calore Plus is designed to handle and deliver hot water, non-aggressive hot liquids and steam (intermittent service) to a maximum temperature of 140 °C (+248 °F).

8 Parts

NEXVA? EVA Clear General Service Hose, Series 450
Nexva EVA Clear General Service Hose is designed for transfer of abrasives, anhydrous ammonia, chemicals, herbicides, insecticides, water and various media in applications to 125°F and 300 psi, Series 450

6 Parts

NEXAQUA? PVC Water Hose, Series 160
Nexaqua PVC Water Hose is designed for spray/transfer of water in applications to 150° and 150 psi, Series 160

Where To Buy
0 Part

NEXAQUA? PVC Water Hose, Series 161
Nexaqua PVC Water Hose is designed for spray/transfer of water in applications to 150° and 100 psi, Series 161

1 Part

NEXSYN? EPDM/TPV Hose, Series 715
Nexsyn EPDM/TPV Hose is designed for transfer of air, beverages, food, mild chemicals, sanitary products and potable water in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series 715

Where To Buy
0 Part

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES104
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 175 psi, Series ES104

9 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES115
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applicationsto 180°F and 100 psi, Series ES115

9 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW300
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 125 psi, Series EW300

12 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW301
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EW301

9 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW701
Large Diameter HeavyDuty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer inapplications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW701

7 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW720
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW720

6 Parts

Water Hose - Fucino 20
Fucino 20 bar is engineered to discharge water and non aggressive liquids when it is necessary to have a basic, durable lay flat hose.

5 Parts

DuraGard? Flame Resistant Polyurethane Hose - 83FR
The 83FR Flame Resistant Hose is Parker’s most durable, abrasion resistant, flame retardant multipurpose hose for air and water. It is MSHA accepted, UL94HB compliant and often used in robotic welding applications.

20 Parts

General Purpose Transfer Hose - B9 Series
Parker’s B9 General Purpose Transfer Hose is recognized for its exceptional flexibility. It is designed for use in applications that involve low pressure transmission of air, oil, water, and coolants.

12 Parts

OBSOLETE: Water Hose - Aperflat MB
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

11 Parts

OBSOLETE: Hot Water & Steam Transfer Hose - Inglas +
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

11 Parts



FNC-300 for fish net cleaning applications
The Parker 300 bar Fishnet Cleaning Hose FNC 300 is the ideal problem solver when it comes to professional cleaning of fishnets to ensure a cleaner environment of the aquaculture.

3 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2022N
Parker 2022N 10,000 psi hose is a constant pressure hose designed for hydraulic

5 Parts

Predator Sewer Jetting and Cleaning Hoses
Parker Predator Sewer Jetting and Lateral Cleaning Hoses are designed for cleaning and debris removal in sewer lines.


美國DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德邁科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

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