


Since 2007



特種軟管Specialty Hose


派克提供業內廣泛的低壓,中壓和高壓特種液壓,氣動,工業和混合軟管。它們具有耐熱,防火,防臭氧,耐候,耐化學腐蝕,耐油,耐火焰,抗紫外線和耐磨損的特性,可為您的特種軟管產品需求和應用提供工程解決方案。Parker offers the widest range of low, medium and high pressure specialty hydraulic, pneumatic, industrial and hybrid hoses in the industry. They are resistant to heat, fire, ozone, weather, chemicals, oil, flames, UV and abrasion and deliver engineered solutions to all of your specialty hose product needs and applications.


中壓Elite不彎曲緊湊型軟管-EN 857 2SC低溫-461LT
派克的Elite No-Skive緊湊型軟管461LT專為高達-50°C的低溫應用和高達4,2.5 MPa的工作壓力而設計。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。


免剪中壓軟管421SN,421TC,421RH,421WC。根據EN 853 1SN-ISO 1436類型1。工作壓力: 高22.5 MPa,溫度為。范圍:-40°C至+ 125°C。與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive配件兼容。


Parker的No-Kive高壓軟管372、372RH和372TC設計用于 高44.5 MPa的工作壓力和-40°C至+100°C的溫度范圍。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。


中壓精英型免剪軟管-ISO 11237-SAE 100 R16-441-441RH
派克緊湊型免沖軟管441和441RH設計用于 高35.0 MPa的工作壓力和溫度。范圍從-40°C到+125°C。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。


SIAMEEZ R級雙線焊接軟管,系列7126
Siameez R級雙線焊接軟管設計用于將乙炔燃料氣體和氧氣輸送到200 psi的應用中,系列7126


派克No-Skive緊湊型高溫液壓軟管HT2,帶有2條鋼絲編織層,設計用于 高35,0 MPa的工作壓力和溫度。范圍從-40°C到+125°C-峰值高達135°C。與鋼和不銹鋼的免沖配件兼容


高壓Parkrimp No-Skive液壓軟管。工作壓力高達44.5 MPa,溫度范圍為-50°C至+100°C。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容


快速響應恒壓軟管– 575X / 575XN 5,000 psi


低壓Parkrimp耐彎曲軟管2TE-EN 854-681-681DB
符合EN 854 2TE的Parker低壓Parkrimp耐滑軟管681和681DB,具有耐滑軟管結構,是適用于溫度高達+ 100°C的常規低壓液壓應用的理想范圍。






Parkers的呼吸空氣補充軟管是7,000 psi的工作壓力軟管。它符合CGA G7.1-1 E級呼吸空氣標準和NFPA 1901對消防設備的要求。


SIAMEEZ T級雙線焊接軟管工廠總成,系列7109
暹羅T級雙線焊接軟管工廠總成設計用于將許多常用的焊接燃氣和氧氣輸送到200 psi的應用中,系列7109


WILDCATTER 重型干水泥物料輸送軟管,SS247系列
Wildcatter重型干水泥材料輸送軟管采用1/4英寸厚的橡膠管,設計用于在180°F和75 psi的應用中低壓輸送干磨料,SS247系列


烴類耐高溫排油軟管設計用于從/清洗到350°F和350 psi(7200系列)時產生的儲罐/容器中熱的液化殘渣/將其排出


快速響應船用轉向軟管– MSH系列1000 psi


SIAMEEZ R級雙線焊接軟管工廠總成,系列7126
Siameez R級雙線焊接軟管工廠總成設計用于在應用中將乙炔燃料氣體和氧氣輸送到200 psi,7126系列


物料運輸輸送軟管-Beton 80
Beton 80 bar專為高壓泵的混凝土澆筑而設計。


船用軟壁濕式排氣軟管被設計成用于排氣系統的靈活連接,用于在船用發動機應用中將熱的發動機水和廢氣循環,冷卻和轉移到200°F和200 psi,SS269系列


WILDCATTER 油田多功能壓裂軟管,7331系列
Wildcatter油田多功能壓裂軟管設計用于在200°F和400 psi的應用中高壓輸送磨料漿,鉆探泥漿,燃料,溫和化學溶液,油和水,系列7331


WILDCATTER 干水泥物料輸送軟管,SS135系列
Wildcatter干水泥材料處理軟管采用1/8英寸厚的橡膠管,設計用于在180°F和65 psi的應用中對干磨料進行重力流/低壓傳遞,SS135系列


Predator 下水道噴射和清潔軟管
ParkerPredator 下水道噴射和橫向清潔軟管專為清潔和清除下水道管線中的雜物而設計。


SIAMEEZ T級雙線焊接軟管,系列7109
Siameez T級雙線焊接軟管設計用于將許多常用的焊接燃氣和氧氣輸送到200 psi的應用中,系列7109


WILDCATTER 油田多功能壓裂軟管,7311N / 7311NXT系列
7311N / 7311NXT系列Wildcatter油田多功能壓裂軟管設計用于在200°F和400 psi的應用中高壓輸送磨料漿,鉆探泥漿,燃料,溫和的化學溶液,油和水。


氧氣充注軟管設計用于在176°F和500 psi的鑄造應用中進行高壓氧氣噴槍,7293系列

R級單線燃氣焊接軟管設計用于在200°F和200 psi的應用中傳輸乙炔燃氣,7120系列


WILDCATTER 油田高壓化學軟管,系列7374
Wildcatter油田高壓化學軟管設計用于在溫度為180°F和600 psi的應用中抽吸,排放和轉移酸,化學藥品和溶劑,7374系列


T級單線燃氣焊接軟管設計用于將許多常用的焊接燃氣在應用中轉移到200°F和200 psi,7141系列


重型沙子回收/真空軟管采用3/16英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于在150°F和200 psi的應用中高壓輸送沙子和嚴重磨損的材料,SW409系列


R級單線氧氣焊接軟管設計用于在200°F和200 psi的應用中轉移氧氣,7121系列


非導電電纜蓋軟管專為將電弧焊應用中的冷卻水輸送到212°F和200 psi(7172系列)而設計


WILDCATTER 油田細孔旋轉鉆機軟管,7234系列
Wildcatter油田超薄孔旋轉鉆探軟管設計用于在250°F和3000 psi的應用中對水泥溶液,輕度化學品,油和水進行高壓輸送,7234系列


WILDCATTER 油田熱油壺軟管,7301系列
Wildcatter油田熱油壺軟管設計用于在275°F和2250 psi的應用中高壓油和石油產品的高壓輸送,系列7301


T級單線氧氣焊接軟管設計用于在200°F和200 psi的應用中轉移氧氣,7142系列


增強型導管軟管設計為耐高溫電纜蓋, 高可達7337系列180°F




無水氨水軟管設計用于在180°F和350 psi的應用中轉移無水氨,7261系列




物料輸送軟管-Libeccio EN ISO 3861
Libeccio EN ISO 3861設計用于處理干,濕磨料和粉末。


汽車空氣制動軟管-空氣制動DIN 74310
空氣制動DIN 74310是根據DIN 74310規格設計用于空氣制動回路的。


SUPER-FLEX 大直徑波紋真空軟管,7363系列
Super-Flex大直徑波紋真空軟管采用3/16英寸厚的橡膠管,設計用于在160°F和100 psi的應用中轉移高磨蝕性材料,7363系列


WILDCATTER 波紋狀底部沉積物和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管,系列7213E
Wildcatter波紋狀底部沉積物和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管設計用于在苛刻的油田廢料坑回收應用中將石油廢料,沉積物,淤渣,泥漿和水傳輸到185°F和150 psi,7213E系列


噴沙軟管結合了厚實的橡膠管和厚壁,可在160°F和300 psi的應用中轉移沙子和其他高磨蝕性材料,7244系列


派克No-Skive緊湊型軟管493專為高壓水清洗應用而設計,其工作壓力高達40,0 MPa,溫度為10,000 MPa。 大范圍 +120°C。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。


大直徑波紋材料處理/巖石粉塵軟管裝有一根厚橡膠管,設計用于在溫度為160°F和90 psi的應用中轉移巖石粉塵和其他高磨蝕性材料,7393系列


派克No-Skive緊湊型軟管463專為高壓水清洗應用而設計,其工作壓力高達40.0 MPa,溫度高達10,000 MPa。 大范圍 +120°C。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。






Marine Power Tilt軟管在緊湊的耐磨軟管上配有聚氨酯罩,可用于舷外和船尾驅動發動機,飾板和頂板組件。


氣管-Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR / L-NB / L 20
Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR / L-NB / L 20設計用于輸送焊接和相關工藝氣體。


汽車尿素軟管-Carboblue N / L 10 -20
Carboblue N / L 10-20專為在SCR系統的儲罐和分配器之間輸送尿素水溶液而設計。


單線焊接和劃痕氧氣軟管專為在200°F和250 psi的應用中轉移氧氣而設計,7229T系列




用于電弧焊系統的惰性氣體軟管設計用于將惰性/稀有氣體在電弧焊應用中轉移到200°F和200 psi,7123系列


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2448M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高103.5 MPa的工作壓力。


DAY-LITE 波紋材料處理吸力和真空軟管,系列8341
Day-Lite大型波紋材料處理吸力和真空軟管采用厚橡膠管,設計用于在180°F和75 psi的應用中輸送高磨蝕性材料,8341系列


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2640M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高103.5 MPa的工作壓力。


Goliath?混凝土澆注軟管設計用于在180°F和1233 psi的應用中轉移混凝土和磨料,SS201系列


中壓Elite Parkrimp No-Skive RemoFlex軟管412-412ST
派克中壓Elite No-Skive RemoFlex液壓軟管412和412ST設計用于工作壓力高達12,0 MPa的先導管線。軟管范圍與鋼和不銹鋼的No-Skive接頭兼容。


汽車空氣制動軟管-Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
空氣制動SAE J 1402-A是根據SAE J 1402-A規格設計用于空氣制動回路的。


無水氨水軟管設計用于在應用中將無水氨水轉移到180°F和350 psi,7262系列


物料運輸輸送軟管-Intonacatrici 40
Intonacatrici 40 bar設計用于輸送各種行業和市場上干濕的灰泥和磨料。


非增強型導管軟管被設計為耐高溫電纜蓋, 高可達180°F,7338系列


EWC777系列,大直徑定制重型材料處理波紋吸水軟管采用5/16英寸厚的天然橡膠管,可在150°F和150 psi的應用中轉移磨料


單線焊接和切邊燃氣軟管設計用于將許多常用的焊接燃氣輸送到200°F和250 psi的應用中,7228T系列


混凝土澆注軟管設計用于在溫度為150°F和800 psi的應用中轉移混凝土和濕磨料,7236系列


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2580M金鷹軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。用于 高69 MPa的工作壓力。


BS&W底部底泥和廢油場抽吸/真空軟管設計用于在惡劣的油田廢油場回收應用中將石油廢料,沉積物,淤泥,泥漿和水輸送到200°F和150 psi,7208E系列


大直徑定制重型挖泥套筒,采用1/2英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于將高磨蝕性材料應用轉移到150°F和150 psi,ES908系列


Carboblue柴油機尾氣(DEF)吸氣軟管設計用于將柴油機尾氣在儲油罐和動力分配器之間轉移至212°F和150 psi,7215系列


SIAMEEZ RM級雙線焊接軟管,7110系列
Siameez級RM雙線焊接軟管設計用于在溫度為200°F和200 psi的應用中傳輸乙炔燃料氣體和氧氣,7110系列


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2440 M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高86.5 MPa的工作壓力。


帶316不銹鋼編織層的厚壁回旋PTFE軟管-SCWV / SCBV
與SCW / SCB軟管相比,SCWV / SCBV厚壁回旋PTFE軟管具有更重的壁厚,使它們能夠應對高溫下的真空應用。


Carboblue柴油機廢氣排放(DEF)抽吸軟管工廠總成的設計目的是在7215系列和212°F和150 psi的動力分配器之間轉移柴油機廢氣。


SIAMEEZ RM級雙線焊接軟管工廠總成,7110系列
Siameez級RM雙線焊接軟管工廠組件設計用于在溫度為200°F和200 psi的應用中傳輸乙炔燃料氣體和氧氣,7110系列


大直徑定制重型挖泥套筒,采用3/8英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于在150°F和150 psi的挖泥應用中轉移高磨蝕性材料,ES907系列


57CR系列“ Sea Wolf”高抗壓軟管5000 psi


Parflex CNGRP軟管是唯一經過CSA認證的唯一靈活的流體輸送系統。與振動/運動應用中的不銹鋼管相比,產品的靈活性降低了保修成本。


派克高壓ESH軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發,將出色的操作性和長使用壽命與卓越的安全標準相結合。適用于 高25 MPa的工作壓力。


高壓ParLock多螺旋軟管CEM69TC-API 7K
Parker ParLock Multispiral軟管CEM69TC設計用于在高達69.0 Mpa的高壓下輸送水泥漿。軟管范圍可與ParLock削片型接頭系列V6兼容。


Cergom軟管是一種特殊產品,設計用于解決 苛刻的磨料處理應用。派克專利




167系列PVC滅火器增壓軟管設計用于150°F和250 psi的便攜式滅火器裝置


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2240M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高43 Mpa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2340M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。用于 高69 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2370M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高43 MPa的工作壓力。


用于石油和天然氣行業的Parker 2390M軟管專為安全性,多功能性和效率而設計,可滿足市場的苛刻要求和期望。適用于 高34.5 MPa的工作壓力。


Cergom嚴重磨料運輸和真空軟管在管中嵌入了一層瓷磚網絡,可在將極磨料轉移到150°F和150 psi的應用中提供持久服務8800系列


大直徑重型定制排水軟管設計用于在180°F和175 psi的應用中進行輸水,ES104系列


大直徑輕質定制排水軟管設計用于在180°F和100 psi的應用中進行輸水,ES115系列


大直徑定制重型石油排放軟管設計用于在180°F和300 psi的應用中輸送油和燃料,ES145系列


定制的船用軟壁濕式排氣軟管被設計成用于排氣系統的靈活連接,用于在船用發動機應用中將熱的發動機水和廢氣循環,冷卻和轉移到200°F和200 psi,ES269系列


Elephant Trunk大口徑定制材料處理軟管采用1/8英寸厚的橡膠管,設計用于在180°F和65 psi的應用中用于重力/滴落磨料,ES937系列


EW300系列大直徑輕質定制吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和125 psi的應用中進行輸水


EW301系列大直徑重型定制吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


EXACTA PIPE?大直徑定制重型材料處理吸管,EW336系列
Exacta管大直徑定制重型材料處理抽吸軟管采用1/4英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于在150°F和100 psi的應用中輸送高磨蝕性材料,EW336系列


EW339系列大口徑定制重型石油服務碼頭軟管設計用于在180°F和200 psi的應用中將油和燃料轉移到50%的芳烴含量


EW353系列大口徑定制重型油罐車軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中將油和燃料轉移到50%的芳烴含量


EW355系列大直徑定制重型石油服務船塢軟管設計用于在180°F和250 psi的應用中將油和燃料轉移到50%的芳烴含量


EW360系列大直徑重型定制熱空氣軟管設計用于300°F和100 psi的應用中的熱空氣輸送

EW399系列大直徑定制重型石化碼頭軟管設計用于在180°F和250 psi的應用中將化學物質,機油和燃料轉移到100%的芳烴含量


EW460系列大直徑定制重型熱熔硫碼頭軟管設計用于在300°F和200 psi的應用中傳輸熱熔硫


EW499系列大直徑定制重型熱瀝青和瀝青船塢軟管設計用于在350°F和200 psi的應用中輸送熱瀝青,油和焦油


EW708系列大直徑定制重型挖泥機/吸沙管采用3/8英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于在150°F和200 psi的應用中轉移碎屑,礫石,巖石和沙子等研磨性材料


EW709系列大直徑定制重型挖泥機/吸沙管采用?英寸厚的天然橡膠管,設計用于在150°F和200 psi的應用中轉移碎屑,礫石,巖石和沙子等研磨性材料


EWC334系列,大直徑定制重型材料處理波紋吸水軟管采用1/8英寸厚的天然橡膠管,用于轉移磨料,例如碎屑,礫石,巖石和沙子,適用于150°F和135 psi的應用


EWC439系列,大直徑定制重型石油服務波紋狀碼頭軟管設計用于在180°F和225 psi的應用中將油和燃料轉移到50%的芳烴含量


大直徑定制重型波紋狀真空軟管采用1/4英寸厚的橡膠管,可在180°F和150 psi的應用中轉移高磨蝕性材料,例如碎屑,礫石,巖石和沙子,EWC789系列


EWC888系列大直徑定制標準負荷瓦楞真空軟管采用1/8英寸厚的橡膠管,可輸送高磨蝕性材料,例如碎屑,礫石,巖石和沙子,適用于150°F和75 psi的應用


LW701系列大直徑重型定制消防車吸水軟管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


LW720系列大直徑重型定制波紋消防車吸管設計用于在180°F和150 psi的應用中進行輸水


TKW160系列大口徑定制重型油田泥漿抽吸軟管設計用于在180°F和100 psi的應用中輸送高磨蝕性鉆井泥漿


涂料液軟管設計用于轉移高芳烴含量的產品,例如酮溶劑,清漆,涂料稀釋劑,油基和水基涂料以及許多用于200°F和750 psi的應用中的常用化學品,系列7108


Parker耐高壓塌陷HCR軟管專門設計用于海底液壓系統中的石油和天然氣市場。其 先進的結構可提供6600 psi外部壓力的 小抗壓強度。


恒定高壓35,0 MPa耐彎曲多螺旋軟管SX35LT-ISO 3862-R13
派克No-Skive高恒壓軟管SX35LT專為極端寒冷環境中的高壓液壓應用而設計。工作壓力高達35,0 MPa,溫度范圍為-57°C至+ 100°C。與No-Skive配件系列73兼容。


恒定高壓42,0 MPa耐彎曲多螺旋軟管SX42LT-ISO 3862-R15
派克No-Skive高恒壓軟管SX42LT設計用于極端寒冷環境中的高壓液壓應用。工作壓力 高為4,20 MPa,溫度范圍為-57°C至+ 100°C。與免沖配件系列73/77兼容




氣管-Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA / L 20
Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA / L 20適用于液化石油氣(LPG)。


氣管-Carbo G NW / L 10-NB / R 10
Carbo G NW / L 10-NB / R 10設計用于將家用電器連接到氣體管線或氣瓶。


帶Nomex 編織層的無縫回旋PTFE-NCW / NCB


過時的:潛水呼吸空氣軟管-潛水員100 ZH 250


已過時:物料運輸輸送軟管-水泥SM 10


已過時:物料運輸輸送軟管-水泥713 10


Parker 2849D軟管是為用水或磨料添加劑的超高壓水射流切割設備而開發的。


堅韌的超高壓水噴射軟管-2440D / 2448D
派克噴水軟管可承受高達43,000 psi(3000 bar)的壓力


超高壓軟管-2440N / 2448N
派克2840N / 2848N高壓軟管采用洗過甲醇的芯管,可提高增產效果。




超高壓2640D噴水軟管可承受高達40,600 psi(4,000 bar)的壓力。


高壓噴水軟管-2640N / 2648N
Parker 2640N / 2648N超高壓軟管可承受高達26,000 psi(1,800 bar)的壓力。


高壓管清洗-噴水軟管-2240D / 2248D
高壓2240D / 2248D軟管專為高壓和超高壓應用而開發


超高壓噴水軟管-2740D / 2748D / 2749D
派克超高壓軟管可承受高達43365 psi(3,010 bar)的壓力。


超高壓噴水軟管-2840D / 2848D
Parker 2840D和2848D軟管專為處理高達58,000 psi(4,000 bar)的高壓和超高壓應用而開發。


Parker 2440N噴水軟管的工作壓力高達20,000 psi(1400 bar),是加氫爆破應用的理想選擇。


派克2022N 10,000 psi軟管是設計用于液壓的恒壓軟管


派克油氣軟管和液壓軟管-2380N / 2388N
派克2380N / 2388N高壓液壓軟管體積膨脹小,可作為雙線軟管使用。


派克7,000 psi液壓軟管在壓力下尺寸變化小,因此響應時間極佳。


小口徑高壓微型液壓軟管– 2020N
派克高壓微型液壓軟管具有外徑緊湊的軟管,可用于7,000 psi以下的微型液壓應用。


派克化學注入軟管和酸化軟管具有較長的連續長度( 長1000 m),出色的耐化學性,并且額定壓力高達10,000 psi


超高壓噴水軟管-2380N / 2388N
Parker 2380N / 2388N噴水軟管的 高工作壓力為18,000 psi(1200 bar),非常適合去除污垢和油漆。



Medium Pressure Elite No-Skive Compact Hoses - EN 857 2SC low temperature - 461LT
Parker's Elite No-Skive Compact hose 461LT has been designed for low temperature applications up to -50°C and a working pressure of up to 42,5 MPa. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

7 Parts

No-Skive Medium Pressure Hose 421SN, 421TC, 421RH , 421WC
No-Skive Medium Pressure Hose 421SN, 421TC, 421RH , 421WC. According to EN 853 1SN - ISO 1436 Type 1. Working pressure: up to 22,5 MPa and a temp. Range: -40 °C up to +125°C. Compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

28 Parts

High Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive Compact Hoses 372 - 372RH - 372TC
Parker's No-Skive High Pressure hoses 372, 372RH and 372TC are designed for a working pressure up to 44,5 MPa and a temperature range from -40 °C up to +100 °C. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

15 Parts

Medium Pressure Elite No-Skive Hoses - ISO 11237 - SAE 100 R16 - 441 - 441RH
Parker Compact No-Skive hose 441 and 441RH has been designed for a working pressure up to 35,0 MPa and temp. range from -40 °C up to +125 °C. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

14 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7126
Siameez Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7126

4 Parts

Medium Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive Hose HT2
Parker No-Skive Compact high temp hydraulic hose HT2 with 2 wire braids, designed for a working pressure up to 35,0 MPa and a temp. range from -40 °C to +125 °C - with peaks up to 135°C. Compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel

7 Parts

High-Pressure No-Skive Compact Hoses - 3 wire braid with 4SP working pressure - 371LT
High Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive hydraulic hoses. Working pressure up to 44,5 MPa and a temperature range from -50 °C up to +100 °C. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel

5 Parts

Fast Response Constant Pressure Hose – 575X/575XN 5,000 psi
Fast Response Constant Pressure Hoses are designed for applications that involve offshore drilling and require fast and accurate response time.

7 Parts

Low Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive Hoses 2TE - EN 854 - 681 - 681DB
Parker's Low Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive hose 681 and 681DB according to EN 854 2TE with No-Skive hose construction is the ideal range for general low presssure hydraulic applications up to a temperature range of + 100 °C.

14 Parts

Compressed Natural Gas Hose - Electrically Conductive - 5CNG
Parflex's global presence in the CNG market for natural gas vehicles and fueling stations allow OEM revenue growth by selling into multiple geographies given the CSA (NA) and ECR (EMEA) approvals on CNG Hose.

5 Parts

Explosive Loading Hose - Series ANFO
ANFO Explosive Loading Hose is specifically designed tubing used for the delivery of pneumatically loaded explosives up blast holes.

3 Parts

Breathing Air Refill Hose - 527BA
Parkers’ Breathing Air Refill Hose is a 7,000 psi working pressure hose. It complies with CGA G7.1-1 Grade E Breathing Air Standards and NFPA 1901 requirements for Fire Apparatus.

3 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7109
Siameez Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7109

20 Parts

WILDCATTER Heavy Duty Dry Cement Material Handling Hose, Series SS247
Wildcatter Heavy Duty Dry Cement Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick rubber tube and is designed for low pressure transfer of dry abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 75 psi, Series SS247

5 Parts

Hydrocarbon High Temperature Oil Resistant Drain Hose, Series 7200
Hydrocarbon High Temperature Oil Resistant Drain Hose is designed to drain/evacuate hot liquefied residue from storage tanks/vessels generated by cleaning applications to 350°F and 350 psi, Series 7200

2 Parts

Fast Response Marine Steering Hose – MSH Series 1000 psi
With fast, accurate response and a corrosion resistant thermoplastic construction, the Parker MSH marine hose is ideal for marine hydraulic steering systems.

2 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7126
Siameez Grade R Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7126

15 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Beton 80
Beton 80 bar is designed for concrete placement with high pressure pumps.

5 Parts

Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose, Series SS269
Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose is designed as a flexible connection for exhaust systems to circulate, cool and transfer hot engine water and exhaust gases in marine engine applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series SS269

23 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose, Series 7331
Wildcatter Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of abrasive slurries, drilling mud, fuel, mild chemical solutions, oil and water in applications to 200°F and 400 psi, Series 7331

3 Parts

WILDCATTER Dry Cement Material Handling Hose, Series SS135
Wildcatter Dry Cement Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube and is designed for gravity flow/low pressure transfer of dry abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 65 psi, Series SS135

4 Parts

Predator Sewer Jetting and Cleaning Hoses
Parker Predator Sewer Jetting and Lateral Cleaning Hoses are designed for cleaning and debris removal in sewer lines.

15 Parts

SIAMEEZ Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7109
Siameez Grade T Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases and oxygen in applications to 200 psi, Series 7109

4 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose, Series 7311N/7311NXT
Series 7311N/7311NXT Wildcatter Oilfield Multipurpose Fracking Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of abrasive slurries, drilling mud, fuel, mild chemical solutions, oil and water in applications to 200°F and 400 psi.

7 Parts

Oxygen Charging Hose, Series 7293
Oxygen Charging Hose is designed for high pressure oxygen lancing in foundry applications to 176°F and 500 psi, Series 7293

6 Parts


Grade R Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose, Series 7120
Grade R Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7120

5 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose, Series 7374
Wildcatter Oilfield High Pressure Chemical Hose is designed for suction, discharge and transfer of acids, chemicals and solvents in applications to 180°F and 600 psi, Series 7374

4 Parts

Grade T Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose, Series 7141
Grade T Single Line Fuel Gas Welding Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7141

6 Parts

Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose, Series SW409
Heavy Duty Sand Recovery/Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for high pressure transfer of sand and severely abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series SW409

5 Parts

Grade R Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose, Series 7121
Grade R Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7121

5 Parts

Nonconductive Cable Cover Hose, Series 7172
Nonconductive Cable Cover Hose is designed for transfer of coolant water in electrical arc welding applications to 212°F and 200 psi, Series 7172

4 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Slim Hole Rotary Drill Hose, Series 7234
Wildcatter Oilfield Slim Hole Rotary Drill Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of cement solutions mild chemicals, oil and water in applications to 250°F and 3000 psi, Series 7234

2 Parts

WILDCATTER Oilfield Hot Oiler Hose, Series 7301
Wildcatter Oilfield Hot Oiler Hose is designed for high pressure transfer of hot oil and petroleum products in applications to 275°F and 2250 psi, Series 7301

1 Part

Grade T Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose, Series 7142
Grade T Single Line Oxygen Welding Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7142

6 Parts

Reinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7337
Reinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7337

11 Parts

Reinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7337M
Reinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7337M

12 Parts

Anhydrous Ammonia Hose, Series 7261
Anhydrous Ammonia Hose is designed for transfer of anhydrous ammonia in applications to 180°F and 350 psi, Series 7261

4 Parts

Ducting Hose - Aspirex
Aspirex is designed for suction of multiple different materials and for centralized suction equipment in many industries and markets.

14 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Libeccio EN ISO 3861
Libeccio EN ISO 3861 is engineered to handle wet and dry abrasive materials and powders.

11 Parts

Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake DIN 74310
Airbrake DIN 74310 is designed for air brake circuits according to DIN 74310 specs.

3 Parts

SUPER-FLEX Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series 7363
Super-Flex Large Diameter Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 3/16” thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 100 psi, Series 7363

5 Parts

WILDCATTER Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7213E
Wildcatter Corrugated Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 185°F and 150 psi, Series 7213E

5 Parts

Sand Blast Hose, Series 7244
Sand Blast Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and heavy wall for transfer service of sand and other highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 300 psi, Series 7244

6 Parts

Medium Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive Compact Hose 493
Parker No-Skive Compact hose 493 has been designed for high pressure water cleaning applications with a working pressure up to 40,0 MPa and a temp. range of max. +120 °C. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

8 Parts

Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose, Series 7393
Large Diameter Corrugated Material Handling/Rock Dust Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of rock dust and other highly abrasive materials in applications to 160°F and 90 psi, Series 7393

10 Parts

Medium Pressure Parkrimp No-Skive Compact Hose 463
Parker No-Skive Compact hose 463 has been designed for high pressure water cleaning applications with a working pressure up to 40,0 MPa and a temp. range of max. +120 °C. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

6 Parts

Explosive Emulsion dispensing hose. Series - EDHPN
EDHPN-24PM is an Explosive Emulsion dispensing hose with high abrasion resistant tube and cover.

1 Part

High Temperature Power Wash Hose - 1035HT
High Temperature Power Wash Hose is designed for use with low pressure power washers and carpet cleaning machines.

1 Part

Marine Power Tilt Hose - PTH Series
Marine Power Tilt Hose features a polyurethane cover over a compact, abrasion resistant hose for use on outboard and stern drive engines, trim tab and jack plate assemblies.

1 Part

Gas Line - Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20
Autogene EN ISO 3821 NR/L - NB/L 20 is designed for delivery of welding and allied process gases.

11 Parts


Automotive Urea Hose - Carboblue N/L 10 -20
Carboblue N/L 10-20 is specially designed to convey urea aqueous solution between tanks and dispensers for SCR systems.

10 Parts

Single Line Welding and Scarfing Oxygen Hose, Series 7229T
Single Line Welding and Scarfing Oxygen Hose is designed for transfer of oxygen in applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7229T

4 Parts

FLY ASH HOSE, Series 7363PM
Fly ash hose is a propreitory design hose with abrasion resistant tube and Ozone reisitant cover.

3 Parts

Inert Gas Hose for Arc Welding Systems, Series 7123
Inert Gas Hose for Arc Welding Systems is designed for transfer of inert/noble gas in electrical arc welding applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7123

2 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2448M - Europe
Parker 2448M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 103.5 MPa.

3 Parts

DAY-LITE Corrugated Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose, Series 8341
Day-Lite Large Corrugated Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose incorporates a thick rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 75 psi, Series 8341

6 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2640M - Europe
Parker 2640M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 103.5 MPa.

1 Part

GOLIATH? Concrete, Grout and Plaster Hose, Series SS201
Goliath? Concrete Placement Hose is designed for transfer of concrete and abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 1233 psi, Series SS201

8 Parts

Medium Pressure Elite Parkrimp No-Skive RemoFlex Hoses 412 - 412ST
Parker Medium Pressure Elite No-Skive RemoFlex hydraulic hose 412 and 412ST has been designed for pilot lines with a working pressure up to 12,0 MPa. The hose range is compatible with No-Skive fittings in steel and stainless steel.

8 Parts

Automotive Air Braking Hose - Airbrake SAE J 1402-A
Airbrake SAE J 1402-A is designed for air brake circuits according to SAE J 1402-A specs.

2 Parts

Anhydrous Ammonia Hose, Series 7262
Anhydrous Ammonia Hose is designed for transfer of anhydrous ammonia in applications to 180°F and 350 psi, Series 7262

6 Parts

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Intonacatrici 40
Intonacatrici 40 bar is designed for delivery of plaster and abrasive materials either dry and wet in various industries and markets.

4 Parts

Nonreinforced Conduit Hose, Series 7338
Nonreinforced Conduit Hose is designed as a durable cable cover to 180°F, Series 7338

Where To Buy
0 Part

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose, Series EWC777
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose incorporates a 5/16” thick natural rubber tube for transfer of abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series EWC777

12 Parts

Single Line Welding and Scarfing Fuel Gas Hose, Series 7228T
Single Line Welding and Scarfing Fuel Gas Hose is designed for transfer of many commonly used welding fuel gases in applications to 200°F and 250 psi, Series 7228T

2 Parts

Concrete Placement Hose, Series 7236
Concrete Placement Hose is designed for transfer of concrete and wet abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 800 psi, Series 7236

1 Part

Golden Eagle Hose with ColorGard? - 2580M - Europe
Parker 2580M Golden Eagle Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

BS&W? Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose, Series 7208E
BS&W Bottom Sediment & Waste Oilfield Suction/Vacuum Hose is designed to transfer petroleum waste, sediments, sludge, slurries and water in harsh oilfield waste pit recovery applications to 200°F and 150 psi, Series 7208E

Where To Buy
0 Part

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve, Series ES908
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve incorporates a 1/2” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of highly abrasive materials applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series ES908

15 Parts

CARBOBLUE? Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose, Series 7215
Carboblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose is designed to transfer diesel exhaust fluid between storage tanks and powered dispensers to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7215

Where To Buy
0 Part

SIAMEEZ Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose, Series 7110
Siameez Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose is designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7110

2 Parts

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2440M
Parker 2440 M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 86.5 MPa.

6 Parts

Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hose with 316 Stainless Steel Braid - SCWV/SCBV
SCWV/SCBV Heavy Wall Convoluted PTFE Hoses feature a heavier wall than SCW/SCB hoses, allowing them to handle vacuum applications at elevated temperatures.

18 Parts

CARBOBLUE? Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7215
Carboblue Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Suction Hose Factory Assemblies are designed to transfer diesel exhaust fluid between storage tanks and powered dispensers to 212°F and 150 psi, Series 7215

1 Part

SIAMEEZ Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies, Series 7110
Siameez Grade RM Twin Line Welding Hose Factory Assemblies are designed for transfer of acetylene fuel gas and oxygen in applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series 7110


Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve, Series ES907
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge Sleeve incorporates a 3/8” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of highly abrasive materials in dredging applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series ES907

15 Parts

57CR Series "Sea Wolf" High Collapse Resistant Hose 5000 psi
High collapse resistant hose for offshore oilfield exploration and production applications requiring internal pressure resistance and external pressure support

4 Parts

Compressed Natural Gas Hose - Regulated Pressure - CNGRP
Parflex CNGRP hose is the only fully CSA listed fluid conveyance system that is flexible. The flexibility of the product provides reduced warranty costs versus stainless steel tubing in vibration/movement applications.

2 Parts

Sewer cleaning hose - ESH
Parker High Pressure ESH Hoses are developed for High and Ultra High Pressure applications, combining excellent handling and long service life with superior safety standards. For working pressure up to 25 MPa.

7 Parts

High Pressure ParLock Multispiral Hose CEM69TC - API 7K
Parker ParLock Multispiral hose CEM69TC has been designed for conveyance of cement slurries at high pressure up to 69.0 Mpa. The hose range is comaptible with ParLock skive type fittings series V6.

1 Part

Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cergom
Cergom hose is a specialty product engineered to solve the toughest applications for abrasive material handling. Parker Patented

16 Parts

Electrically Heated SCR Hose for DEF Transfer
SCR Hose Assemblies are designed for heating and conveying DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid; or AdBlue) throughout Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems. Parker's hoses are uniquely made with both an extruded sheath and an overmold for protection.

1 Part

PVC Fire Extinguisher Booster Hose, Series 167
PVC Fire Extinguisher Booster Hose is designed for use in portable fire extinguisher units to 150°F and 250 psi, Series 167

2 Parts

High pressure wire hose Chemjec - 2240M - Europe
Parker 2240M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 Mpa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2340M - Europe
Parker 2340M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 69 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2370M - Europe
Parker 2370M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 43 MPa.

1 Part

High pressure ChemJec hose - 2390M - Europe
Parker 2390M Hoses for the Oil & Gas industry are designed for safety, versatility and efficiency, matching the tough requirements and expectations of the market place. For working pressure up to 34.5 MPa.

2 Parts

CERGOM? Severely Abrasive Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose, Series 8800
Cergom Severely Abrasive Material Handling Suction & Vacuum Hose incorporates a network of ceramic tiles embedded in the tube for long-lasting service in the transfer of extremely abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 150 psi, Series 8800

1 Part

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES104
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 175 psi, Series ES104

9 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose, Series ES115
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Discharge Hose is designed for water transfer in applicationsto 180°F and 100 psi, Series ES115

9 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Discharge Hose, Series ES145
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Discharge Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel in applications to 180°F and 300 psi, Series ES145

5 Parts

Custom Made Heavy Duty Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose, Series ES269
Custom Made Marine Softwall Wet Exhaust Hose is designed as a flexible connection for exhaust systems to circulate, cool and transfer hot engine water and exhaust gases in marine engine applications to 200°F and 200 psi, Series ES269

4 Parts

Elephant Trunk Large Diameter Custom Made Material Handling Hose, Series ES937
Elephant Trunk Large Diameter Custom Made Material Handling Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube and is designed for gravity/drop service of abrasive materials in applications to 180°F and 65 psi, Series ES937

17 Parts

Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW300
Large Diameter Lightweight Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 125 psi, Series EW300

12 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose, Series EW301
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Water Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EW301

9 Parts

EXACTA PIPE? Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Suction Hose, Series EW336
Exacta Pipe Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Suction Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive materials in applications to 150°F and 100 psi, Series EW336

11 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose, Series EW339
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 200 psi, Series EW339

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Tank Truck Hose, Series EW353
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Tank Truck Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EW353

3 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose, Series EW355
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 250 psi, Series EW355

5 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose, Series EW360
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Hot Air Hose is designed for hot air transfer in applications to 300°F and 100 psi, Series EW360

8 Parts


Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petrochemical Dock Hose, Series EW399
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petrochemical Dock Hose is designed for transfer of chemicals, oil and fuel to 100% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 250 psi, Series EW399

5 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock Hose, Series EW460
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Molten Sulphur Dock Hose is designed for transfer of hot molten sulphur in applications to 300°F and 200 psi, Series EW460

3 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Tar and Asphalt Dock Hose, Series EW499
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Hot Tar and Asphalt Dock Hose is designed for transfer of hot asphalt, oil and tar in applications to 350°F and 200 psi, Series EW499

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose, Series EW708
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose incorporates a 3/8” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series EW708

17 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose, Series EW709
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Dredge/Sand Suction Hose incorporates a ?” thick natural rubber tube and is designed for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 200 psi, Series EW709

17 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose, Series EWC334
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Material Handling Corrugated Suction Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick natural rubber tube for transfer of abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 135 psi, Series EWC334

8 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Corrugated Dock Hose, Series EWC439
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Petroleum Service Corrugated Dock Hose is designed for transfer of oil and fuel to 50% aromatic content in applications to 180°F and 225 psi, Series EWC439

5 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series EWC789
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 1/4” thick rubber tube for transfer of highly abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series EWC789

4 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Standard Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose, Series EWC888
Large Diameter Custom Made Standard Duty Corrugated Vacuum Hose incorporates a 1/8” thick rubber tube for transfer of highly abrasive materials such as debris, gravel, rocks and sand in applications to 150°F and 75 psi, Series EWC888

5 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW701
Large Diameter HeavyDuty Custom Made Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer inapplications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW701

7 Parts

Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose, Series LW720
Large Diameter Heavy Duty Custom Made Corrugated Fire Engine Suction Hose is designed for water transfer in applications to 180°F and 150 psi, Series LW720

6 Parts

Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Oilfield Mud Suction Hose, Series TKW160
Large Diameter Custom Made Heavy Duty Oilfield Mud Suction Hose is designed for transfer service of highly abrasive drilling mud in applications to 180°F and 100 psi, Series TKW160

5 Parts

Paint Fluid Hose, Series 7108
Paint fluid hose is designed for transfer of high aromatic content products such as ketone solvents, lacquers, paint thinners, oil-based and water-based paints and many common chemicals used in applications to 200°F and 750 psi, Series 7108

3 Parts

High Collapse Resistant Hose - HCR
Parker High Pressure Collapse Resistant HCR hose is specifically designed to serve the oil & gas market in subsea hydraulics. Its state-of-the-art construction provides a minimum crush resistance of 6,600 psi external pressure.

2 Parts

Constant High Pressure 35,0 MPa No-Skive Multispiral Hose SX35LT - ISO 3862 - R13
Parker No-Skive High Constant Pressure hose SX35LT is designed for high pressure hydraulic applications in extreme cold environment. Working pressure up to 35,0 MPa and temp range from -57 °C up to +100°C. Compatible with No-Skive fittings series 73.

3 Parts

Constant High Pressure 42,0 MPa No-Skive Multispiral Hose SX42LT - ISO 3862 - R15
Parker No-Skive High Constant Pressure hose SX42LT is designed for high pressure hydraulic applications in extreme cold environment. Working pressure up to 42,0 MPa and temp range from -57 °C up to +100°C. Compatible with No-Skive fittings series 73/77

3 Parts

Refrigerant Hose - 510A
Parker’s 510A Refrigerant Hose is compatible with most common hydraulic and refrigeration fluids.

2 Parts

Gas Hose - Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20
Propanpress EN ISO 3821 NA/L 20 is suitable for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).

4 Parts

Gas Hose - Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10
Carbo G NW/L 10 - NB/R 10 is designed to connect household appliances to the gas line or bottles.

2 Parts

Seamless Convoluted PTFE with Nomex Braid - NCW/NCB
PTFE hose with a nomex braid eliminates RFI issues and theyare also less susceptible to cracking from stress or flexing than metal hose assemblies.

10 Parts

OBSOLETE: Scuba Diving Breathing Air Hose - Diver 100 EN 250
This product is no longer available – please contact us for further assistance.

3 Parts

OBSOLETE: Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cement SM 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

OBSOLETE: Material Handling Transfer Hose - Cement 713 10
This product is no longer available – please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

6 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2849D
Parker 2849D Hoses are developed for ultra high pressure water jet cutting equipment with water or with abrasive additives.

1 Part

Tough Cover Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2440D/2448D
Parker Water Jetting Hoses handle pressures up to 43,000 psi (3000 bar)

6 Parts


Ultra High Pressure Hose - 2440N/2448N
Parker high pressure 2840N/2848N hoses feature a methanol-washed core tube for improved performance in well stimulation.

6 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2580N
High Pressure 2580N waterblast hoses are developed for ultra high pressure cleaning applications.

3 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2640D
Ultra High Pressure 2640D waterblast hoses handles pressures up to 40,600 psi (4,000 bar).

2 Parts

High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2640N/2648N
Parker 2640N/2648N ultra high pressure hoses handle pressures up to 26,000 psi (1,800 bar).

4 Parts

High Pressure Tube Cleaning - Water Blast Hose - 2240D/2248D
High Pressure 2240D/2248D Hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications

7 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2740D/2748D/2749D
Parker ultra high pressure hose handles pressures up to 43,365 psi (3,010 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra-High Pressure Water Jetting Hose - 2840D/2848D
Parker 2840D and 2848D hoses are developed for high and ultra high pressure applications handling pressures up to 58,000 psi (4,000 bar).

4 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2440N
Parker 2440N waterblast hoses operate up to 20,000 psi (1400 bar) and are ideal for hydrodemolition applications.

5 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2022N
Parker 2022N 10,000 psi hose is a constant pressure hose designed for hydraulic

5 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2380N/2388N
Parker 2380N/2388N high pressure hydraulic hoses feature low volumetric expansion and are available as a twinline hose.

12 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2390N
Parker 7,000 psi hydraulic hoses feature low dimensional change under pressure resulting in excellent response times.

10 Parts

Small Bore High Pressure Mini Hydraulic Hose – 2020N
Parker high pressure mini hydraulic hoses feature a compact hose O.D. for use in mini-hydraulic applications under 7,000 psi.

2 Parts

Golden Eagle Chemical Injection Hose/Acidizing Hose
Parker chemical injection hoses and acidizing hoses feature long continuous lengths (up to 1000 m), superior chemical resistance and are rated for pressures up to 10,000 psi

2 Parts

Ultra High Pressure Waterblast Hose - 2380N/2388N
Parker 2380N/2388N waterblast hoses operate up to 18,000 psi (1200 bar) and are ideal for dirt and paint removal.

3 Parts

Parker Oil & Gas Hose and Hydraulic Hose - 2340N-24
Viable alternative to welded piping that requires costly labor & inspection and industrial grades of rubber hydraulic hose that are not designed or certified for subsea service.

1 Part



美國DMK Engineering Solutions公司
信德邁科技(北京)有限公司 CNMEC Technology

E-mail:sales@cnmec.biz fcg.cnmec@parkerdistribution.com.cn
電話:010-8428 2935, 8428 9077, 8428 3983
手機:139 101 22694
傳真:010-8428 8762

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